Project this

Picture for song 'This Work' by artist 'Project this'
Picture for song 'Break the Lie' by artist 'Project this'

Break the Lie

Industrial Metal

Picture for song 'Cry of the Worm' by artist 'Project this'

Cry of the Worm

Heavy Metal

Picture for song 'Ascension' by artist 'Project this'
Picture for song 'Whatever It Takes' by artist 'Project this'

Whatever It Takes

Industrial Metal

Picture for song 'Remove The Root' by artist 'Project this'
Picture for song 'I wouldn't change a thing' by artist 'Project this'

I wouldn't change a thing

Rock General

Picture for song 'Morphosis' by artist 'Project this'
Picture for song 'What do you see3' by artist 'Project this'

What do you see3

Experimental Sounds

Picture for song 'Mud Knuckle. Loop version' by artist 'Project this'

Mud Knuckle. Loop version

Rock General

Picture for song 'Upon My Own Stones' by artist 'Project this'

Upon My Own Stones

Hard Rock

Picture for song 'Determinization' by artist 'Project this'


Alternative Metal

Picture for song 'Nightmare' by artist 'Project this'
Picture for song 'Shift' by artist 'Project this'
Picture for song 'This Change' by artist 'Project this'

This Change

Tracked with 3/4 scale fender bullet in drop G. So, intonation is terrible but whatever. Fun track, for me anyway.

Heavy Metal

Picture for song 'Just Jump' by artist 'Project this'
Picture for song 'Reason' by artist 'Project this'
Picture for song 'You' by artist 'Project this'
Picture for song 'Coals' by artist 'Project this'
Picture for song 'Tell me everything is alright' by artist 'Project this'

Tell me everything is alright

Heavy Metal