Big Blue X

Mississauga, Canada
June 20, 2009
13,583 plays
We just like to write songs, record and play live. Beer is usually consumed as part of the fun. You can also find us on these sites, including our main site:
Band/artist history
Back in November 2007 we started getting serious about writing songs, we really put a lot of effort into songs that aren't just a boost of our own ego's... we're aiming beyond that space. We've got about 20 songs written, that's not including all the ideas we junked along the way.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
We're starting to gig as much as we can around the Toronto and Hamilton areas in Ontario Canada, since that's our home base. Hamilton is always more rowdy, it's a real Rock and Roll town. We definately like playing live more than sitting in a rehearsal or recording room.
Your musical influences
We both like a lot of different music, but the common ground seems to be Lenny Kravitz, and Led Zeppelin, with a bit of Chris Cornell, Soundgarden, Black Sabbath, and Foo Fighters. We even do a Neil Young cover of Damage Done which tended to complement and influence our own acoustic style. But we don't stop there, Bob Marley, Radiohead... we listen to all kinds of stuff.
What equipment do you use?
Gibson acoustics, the big body of the Jumbo fit's Brian's voice as he sings louder like a Rocker. The dynamics don't have too much to do with equipment, it's a result of us trying to be as good as we can as musicians.
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