Freddy J
From one come many. The multiple personalities of Freddy J form the band Freddy J. Time with his computer, guitar, keyboard, and harmonica are his regular gigs.
A Boat In The Harbour
This song tells a story of a guy who leaves his home to see the world but heads back home to be with the girl he loves. Done in reggae style. Sort of ?
This is a bit different from what I usually post. It is a wee bit dark and includes some social commentary. Hopefully, it is not too preachy. I would, however, think it is appropriate for these times.
They All Talking
This song goes back in the alley, in style, to the early days of Rock n Roll. This is a short, silly song that provides a wee bit of social. observation. And yes the guitar is supposed to sound like that!
A Snake Running Around
This is a story of a guy who's best friend is trying to "snake" his girlfriend. Perhaps you might have experienced something similar in high school , college or life?
It's Not Your Business
No this is not the Blues but I haven't a clue in what,of the many, genre it should be placed. It is just a fun song, with some observations, and a bit of a message.