Freddy J

From one come many. The multiple personalities of Freddy J form the band Freddy J. Time with his computer, guitar, keyboard, and harmonica are his regular gigs.

137 top 50
184 songs
24.0K plays
Picture for song 'A Boat In The Harbour' by artist 'Freddy J'

A Boat In The Harbour

This song tells a story of a guy who leaves his home to see the world but heads back home to be with the girl he loves. Done in reggae style. Sort of ?

Blues General

Picture for song 'Hate' by artist 'Freddy J'


This is a bit different from what I usually post. It is a wee bit dark and includes some social commentary. Hopefully, it is not too preachy. I would, however, think it is appropriate for these times.

Blues General 106 BPM

Picture for song 'They All Talking' by artist 'Freddy J'

They All Talking

This song goes back in the alley, in style, to the early days of Rock n Roll. This is a short, silly song that provides a wee bit of social. observation. And yes the guitar is supposed to sound like that!

Blues General

Picture for song 'A Snake Running Around' by artist 'Freddy J'

A Snake Running Around

This is a story of a guy who's best friend is trying to "snake" his girlfriend. Perhaps you might have experienced something similar in high school , college or life?

Blues General 95 BPM

Picture for song 'It's Not Your Business' by artist 'Freddy J'

It's Not Your Business

No this is not the Blues but I haven't a clue in what,of the many, genre it should be placed. It is just a fun song, with some observations, and a bit of a message.

Blues General 125 BPM


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