Chardoe blends the musical stylings of many genres into a cohesive folk rock sam'ich. Many of these works are preliminary drawing board material for future Ebest Gazine songs, so stay tuned for a listen for what is to come!
Chardoe is a member of Ebest Gazine, a trio of Ann Arborites who get together, write songs, and play until thier fingers bleed or thier neighbors chase them out of the hood. We like to experiment with different styles, but usually stay true to our core rock/folk rock musical infulences.
all the time, everywhere at once
I am a fan of Creed, Crash Test Dummies, Dave Mathews, Weezer, Cat Stevens, Matchbox Twenty, Sister Hazel, Led Zepplin and the like. Much pop, but also much folk and rock. But it together and there you go!
I'd like to give a shout out to all my homies in A^2!