Mark Gates

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92 top 50
220 songs
54.9K plays
Picture for song 'Stiltwalk ** [1]' by artist 'Mark Gates'

Stiltwalk ** [1]

An older instrumental track now with vocals and words

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Picture for song 'Evening Street II' by artist 'Mark Gates'

Evening Street II

Another track that's been waiting for lyrics

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Picture for song 'No Illusions' by artist 'Mark Gates'
Picture for song 'Tronsong/Far, Far Away' by artist 'Mark Gates'

Tronsong/Far, Far Away

This is an older track I've had -I'm sure some of you are familiar with it-but because it's one of my favorites, I felt it deserved some lyrics, now that I've conquered my writer's block

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Picture for song 'Dreamscapes' by artist 'Mark Gates'


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