
Dark heavily composed beats. Influenced by the style of Aftermath/Shady records when I made this account.

4 top 50
200 songs
11.6K plays
Picture for song 'STOMP' by artist 'SSJInstrumentals'
Picture for song 'POWER' by artist 'SSJInstrumentals'
Picture for song 'Own the Night Instrumental (Free Download)' by artist 'SSJInstrumentals'

Own the Night Instrumental (Free Download)

The instrumental for that last song.

Alternative Hip Hop

Picture for song 'We Own the Night Now (Full Song) Produced by Sabri' by artist 'SSJInstrumentals'

We Own the Night Now (Full Song) Produced by Sabri

Alternative Hip Hop

Picture for song 'Familiar Places' by artist 'SSJInstrumentals'

Familiar Places

Alternative Hip Hop


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