Artist Elena Cherkasova

Elena Cherkasova's official account with her music, videos, tours and news.

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12 songs
8.4K plays
Picture for song 'Will You Marry Me (Valentine Love Story)' by artist 'Artist Elena Cherkasova'

Will You Marry Me (Valentine Love Story)

R&B pop song performed by Elena Cherkasova was recorded specially for Valentine's Day. Written, composed and produced by Anna C. Nova.


Picture for song 'Time To Remember' by artist 'Artist Elena Cherkasova'

Time To Remember

Pop dance song written, composed and produced by Anna C. Nova in the veins of Da Buzz, La Bouche, E-Type.


Picture for song 'Not The End Of The World' by artist 'Artist Elena Cherkasova'

Not The End Of The World

Pop rock song "Not The End Of The World" is influented by the great Joe Cocker's "Unchain My Heart". The song is written, composed and produced by Anna C. Nova (

Pop Rock

Picture for song 'We Are One World' by artist 'Artist Elena Cherkasova'

We Are One World

Ballad gospel song "We Are One World" was included to Elena's CD album "Stay Alive" released in 2011. Song is written composed and produced by Anna C. Nova (ACN Music Production).

World General

Picture for song 'NO JUSTICE' by artist 'Artist Elena Cherkasova'


The song written, composed and produced by Anna C. Nova. Record label ACN Music. Published by ACN Music Publishing.


Elena Cherkasova - the artist, singer and performer originally born in Russia. Elena started her professional music career in 2004. She participated into the very first international talent researching show in Russia Music Bridge and became a winner. After that Elena Cherkasova was signed to the record label ACN Music and started co-operation with songwriter and music producer Anna C. Nova. Elena and Anna created World Peace music project with the idea to reflect in music the global world problems. The songs of the project are written and produced with the touch of gospel music in it and the goal is to give a moral support and helping hand to all people who feel unprotected, upset and hurt. The World Peace project includes most successful songs performed by Elena and written, composed and produced by Anna: We Are One World, Stay Alive, Summer Heat as well as pop rock song Not The End Of The World which was recorded in 2013 and dedicated to the music of Joe Cocker. In 2017 Elena and Anna recorded a pop song Changes which was dedicated to the most famous event in Europe Eurovision Song Contest and went hand in hand throughout the entire contest period under the motto "Live long and prosper". The song was represented by the record label directly to European Broadcasting Union the contest organizer. And shortly after that ACN Music team got a letter from Jon Ola Sand, the Eurovision Song Contest Supervisor. Mr. Sand said thankful words about the dedication of the new song "Changes" and underlined that European Broadcasting Union is very honored by this action and very much appreciates to be linked to the efforts to spread positive messages through music. A brand new song No Justice performed by Elena Cherkasova will be officially released his year in November, 16th, 2018, where Elena appears in the image of the ancient goddess of justice dressed in green tunic with the scales in one hand and the raised sword in the other hand. No Justice is the song with the message: its against any kinds of iniquity and violence in each any every meaning. And Human Being is the only one living being on Earth, who can and must protect all around - humanity, environment, the world of animals. No Justice entered music chart the day after the song was published and became #1 in Soul music chart on Sound Click (USA) for three weeks long. Apart of that Elenas artist repertoire also includes very danceable pop tracks like Time To Remember and Youll Be Mine in the veins of dance music of 90th as well as romantic R&B ballads Will You Marry Me (Valentine Love Story) and Another Love which is close to the repertoire of Whitney Houston and Celine Dion. By now Elena and Anna have released 2 EP albums and 5 singles which are available worldwide. The breakthrough releases: Stay Alive, Not The End Of The World, Changes, Summer Heat, Will You Marry Me (Valentine Love Story). Songwriter and music producer by Anna C. Nova. Published by ACN Music Publishing Record label ACN Music 2018 ACN Multimedia Group
Band/artist history
Elena Cherkasova Russian singer and artist, whos gifted with one of the strongest voice in the world now-a-days. Once you listen to this brilliant singing and you will never forget it. Elena was born in a very deep countryside in Russia, which is situated on the river Volga. And just like the piece of gold got from nature unbelievable power and bright colors what was harmonically released then in her looks and voice. In spite of the fact that Elena had all abilities to establish herself as an artist her way to The Star Olympus was quirt long and hard. Like each talented child Elena finished music school where she sang in chorus, played piano and after that even was a teacher of music in the local kinder garden. Was living in a very small city Elena didnt have any chances to try to build up her own artist career. There were no recording studios, concerts halls or management agencies at her place. Funny it or not, but not having even a room for the vocal rehearsals, Elena trained her voice in the bath-house (Russian sauna house) close to her home where she lived with her parents. She stayed in the dark bath room late nights before the mirror imagining that she performs in a big concert hall As the strong wish to be a professional artist never left her mind in 2004 Elena took a trip to city Saratov to participate in music artist show Music Bridge. When Elena was pre-listened by the general producer of Music Bridge Anna C. Nova she (Anna) was not only extremely impressed by her voice, but just was stunned by Elenas excellent abilities and talent on the one hand and at the same time by very strong personality whats flowing out like the wild river. It was something like hurricane what knocked me down. Especially her huge voice. Anna said. This girl had to learn a lot, but I felt immediately that I wanted to work with her. It was just like an experimental project if I could make the real pearl out of what I heard and saw. Elena didnt know a word in English language, but all my projects are only English language music and her voice and singing technical manner were very far away from usable international level. Anyhow when I offered Elena so-called a trial period in my production company (what I always do before making the general artist agreement) my colleagues thought that I should be crazy. But it seems it was a right choice. After spending enormous hours at the studio of training, learning and preparing Anna and Elena recorded some wonderful songs written and produced by Nova. The first of them ANOTHER LOVE (pop ballad in the veins of Celine Dion and Whitney Houston) was included to CD compilation of the best Annas songs Best of Nova (CD was released in USA in 2006 on Novasongs label). Pop dance song (YOULL BE) MINE became number one in Music Rush chart (the very first one from all Novas productions presented on Music Rush). American music publisher Lames Goettel said: Its one of the best voices I have heard in years. It reminds me Gloria Ganor and Bonnie Tyler. In 2009 Elena and Anna started a so-called World Peace project and recorded together STAY ALIVE and WE ARE ONE WORLD. The idea of the whole project is a huge and great and somehow has a reflection of the global world problems. These songs are written to give a moral support and helping hand to all people who feels unsaved, upset and hurt. Probably because of that fact the songs composed in gospel style the most progressive and never giving up style. Already a long ago Elena and me were planning to record gospel music. Anna said. It seems its very close to Elena and can show the most original potentiality of her voice. And once we got the time has come to do that. From the bottom of our hearts we want these songs to become such a kind of hymns and make people look at life not so pessimistic. I must say that I found this idea in Elenas character: seeing her optimism, power and strength not to give up and reach a goal in life. Music video on Stay Alive followed shortly after, impressed public and became #1 in the international video charts. As well as Anna and Elena have recorded some another tracks with gospel touches like "SUMMER HEAT" and "NOTHING TO FIGHT". Also there are another music tracks what brought to Elena and Anna a great success. Recorded in 2012 "TIME TO REMEMBER" was influenced by the great music of the 90th dance stars. Video on this song became #1 in Music Rush video chart. Pop rock song NOT THE END OF THE WORLD was recorded in 2013 and dedicated to the music of Joe Cocker. This song is extremely loved by the public and became #5 in Rock chart on Song Vault. The song WILL YOU MARRY ME (VALENTINE LOVESTORY), which is also included to the World Peace project, was recorded by Elena and Anna in 2014. This R&B song is for everyone whos in love and this production was produced especially for the celebration of The Day of Valentine. This single was officially released at the end of January, 2015 and gave much love and happiness to Elenas fans. 2018 ACN Multimedia Group
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