Yung Rale

9 songs
4.8K plays
Picture for song 'To Who Listen!!!shout out to KID' by artist 'Yung Rale'

To Who Listen!!!shout out to KID

FAB- FAM T.M.C. Capitan Kid-J-Rock-Lieutenant Rale

Hardcore Rap

Picture for song 'Believe In Success(SAMPLE)' by artist 'Yung Rale'

Believe In Success(SAMPLE)

Hardcore Rap

Picture for song 'Me & You (remix)' by artist 'Yung Rale'

Me & You (remix)

Hardcore Rap

Picture for song 'Lover's Paradise (original version)' by artist 'Yung Rale'

Lover's Paradise (original version)

Hardcore Rap

Picture for song 'Grabbin' (On A Broad!)' by artist 'Yung Rale'

Grabbin' (On A Broad!)


Hardcore Rap

T-M-C!!! Fabolous-Family.$ Focus. Determination. Strive. humbleness. Fabolous Family, I want to thank you for the love, support, and loyalty towards me. I appreciate the connection and look forward to a successful foundation built and well established! I will contiune to uphold my position and continue doing my independant assignments as far as song writing and music business networking. Thank you dearly. My Only Brothers Respectfully, Georale
Band/artist history
G.G.P./ F.F. SONG TITLE: ^Life Story^ verse one: "growin'-up as a yungsta it wasn't pops in the house/had ta' teach myself' things even stufff like how ta' count/it was hard fo' moms to just put food on tha' table/always off & on sorry ta' but 'dat was tha' cable/seein' my oldest sister leave was really hard fa' me/cuz' she made sure everything in tha' house was nice & clean/my mom and her husband always argued wit pooh/when really & truelly if any1 he was tha' fool/her husband abused me when i was 10 years old mang/i was sad & hurt ta' see mom didn't do a thang/but now now that i think 'bout my whole life's been raining/so i talk ta' these lines wit' a pen & pencil instead of complainin'/i aint seen not one sunny day not just yet/this road i've been takin' is very slippery &wet/it's puddles on the road and i can't hop 'dem all/i'm 'dat soilder takin' bullets standin' tall" --Yung Rale listen_2_this_song SONG TITLE: To Get Rich "dey' said i wuld neva make it out tha' hood/but look at me i'm sellin' platinum so it'z all good/i know i've been blessed even though i've been throught alotta stress/i kept on walkin' cuz' i knew i wuld' progress/people my age moved up fasta'physically/yet little did i know i was fasta' mentally/i kept my faith i kept hope alive/cuz' i knew one day it wuld be bigga' fish ta' fry/no reason ta' lie my life wasn't always 'dis way/esspecially growin' up in dem' streets of e.p.a/rocks unda' my tounge money in my pocket/knocks know ta' come cuz' dey' know rale got it/den' i left tha west bay & moved to tha' east/got mo cheeze plus life got mo sweet/holdin' invisible scars all in my heart/but i'm not gon' complain cuz' i know i came far/" --Yung Rale listen_2_this_song
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Get Gwap Productions *FAB-FAM*
Your musical influences
My older brother Phoenix The Kid a.k.a. P.T.K.
What equipment do you use?
Anything else?
Capitan Kid a.ka. P.T.K. - DISCLOSED Yung Rale- CA. J-Rock- CA. Bobby Fisher-TX. L.A.C.- FL.

Yung Rale

Ca$shvill, Cameroon

Hip-Hop Hip Hop General

id: 928062


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