Yung Rale

Believe In Success(SAMPLE)

Me & You (remix)

Lover's Paradise (original version)

Show all (9)
T-M-C!!! Fabolous-Family.$
Focus. Determination. Strive. humbleness.
Fabolous Family,
I want to thank you for the love, support, and loyalty towards me. I appreciate the connection and look forward to a successful foundation built and well established!
I will contiune to uphold my position and continue doing my independant assignments as far as song writing and music business networking.
Thank you dearly.
My Only Brothers
Band/artist history
G.G.P./ F.F. SONG TITLE: ^Life Story^
verse one:
"growin'-up as a yungsta it wasn't pops in the house/had ta' teach myself' things even stufff like how ta' count/it was hard fo' moms to just put food on tha' table/always off & on sorry ta' but 'dat was tha' cable/seein' my oldest sister leave was really hard fa' me/cuz' she made sure everything in tha' house was nice & clean/my mom and her husband always argued wit pooh/when really & truelly if any1 he was tha' fool/her husband abused me when i was 10 years old mang/i was sad & hurt ta' see mom didn't do a thang/but now now that i think 'bout my whole life's been raining/so i talk ta' these lines wit' a pen & pencil instead of complainin'/i aint seen not one sunny day not just yet/this road i've been takin' is very slippery &wet/it's puddles on the road and i can't hop 'dem all/i'm 'dat soilder takin' bullets standin' tall"
--Yung Rale
"dey' said i wuld neva make it out tha' hood/but look at me i'm sellin' platinum so it'z all good/i know i've been blessed even though i've been throught alotta stress/i kept on walkin' cuz' i knew i wuld' progress/people my age moved up fasta'physically/yet little did i know i was fasta' mentally/i kept my faith i kept hope alive/cuz' i knew one day it wuld be bigga' fish ta' fry/no reason ta' lie my life wasn't always 'dis way/esspecially growin' up in dem' streets of e.p.a/rocks unda' my tounge money in my pocket/knocks know ta' come cuz' dey' know rale got it/den' i left tha west bay & moved to tha' east/got mo cheeze plus life got mo sweet/holdin' invisible scars all in my heart/but i'm not gon' complain cuz' i know i came far/"
--Yung Rale listen_2_this_song
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Get Gwap Productions
Your musical influences
My older brother Phoenix The Kid a.k.a. P.T.K.
What equipment do you use?
Anything else?
Capitan Kid a.ka. P.T.K. - DISCLOSED
Yung Rale- CA.
J-Rock- CA.
Bobby Fisher-TX.
L.A.C.- FL.
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