best rapper in Edmonton JP Champion
Best Rapper in Official Fan Page on FACEBOOK.COM JP Champion "group"
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JP Champion
Have you performed in front of an audience?
I've done a few free shows for the homeless and unfortunate I love those people and I respect them.
Your musical influences
what i try to do is make my music sellable to general population so its always got to be hot and ther is a strategy and theorum to making hot records an trax, i was influenced by how i grew up in the states in a poverty life so thats what pushs me to a sheer personna of some'one that can over come the odds and think posative an make the best out of the worst with class and respect
What equipment do you use?
I'll do what ever it takes to produce a good track I don't release unhotness.
Anything else?
with my confidence, drive, ambition, great looks & personality east coast/southern man swagga i got from my state born parents, posative look on life charisma and smile n style to win your favour i can amount to greatness an surely win the heart of the entire world with CHAMPION CITY EDMONTON AKA E-TOWN BACKING ME THERE IS NOTHING I CANT DO FOR & WITH MY Movement THANK YOU EVERYONE AND SUPPORTING ME THE WHOLE WAY I LOVE YOU TOO MUCH & MORE!!
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Comments (12)
You got this
You got this
Ya boy you got this.
Ya boy you got this.
Ya boy you got this.
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