StreetLife Rap Music

Latino, born in Paterson NJ, raised in Tampa FL. Suicidal from the age of 12. Super emotionally depressed hooked on drugs, alcohol, sex, adrenaline. Was a Latin

76 songs
25.6K plays
Picture for song 'Spazzedout Freestyle' by artist 'StreetLife Rap Music'

Spazzedout Freestyle

New fire!!! It was written so don't go and get mad about what you think is and is not considered freestyle you were warned lol It's still barz hahahaha


Picture for song 'An Answer (prod by DreamLife)' by artist 'StreetLife Rap Music'

An Answer (prod by DreamLife)

NEW FIREEEE. Classic East Coast Banger!!

Christian Rap

Picture for song 'Wavey with Me Baby' by artist 'StreetLife Rap Music'

Wavey with Me Baby

God says; "Get wavey with me baby" Lets go Church!! God is love and a consuming fire. Beat by Swiss Frankie. Hit Swiss up for your beats!!

New School

Picture for song 'Wish He Was Dead' by artist 'StreetLife Rap Music'

Wish He Was Dead

New FIRE!! Different than what I've contributed so far but I'm curious to know what you think about it. Thanks!! Find me everywhere @StreetLife925 Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, SoundCloud, Twitter, ReverbNation..

Christian Rap

Picture for song 'You Say (prod by' by artist 'StreetLife Rap Music'

You Say (prod by

New!! HalelluYah!! Free D/L

Christian Rap

Spazzedout Freestyle
Latino, born in Paterson NJ, raised in Tampa FL. Suicidal from the age of 12. Super emotionally depressed hooked on drugs, alcohol, sex, adrenaline. Was a Latin King member. Was supposed to be in Hell but Jesus changed EVERYTHING!! Now I am a faithful addict of God's tangible presence and glory. God is love, love is God. Trust love not religion. God died in your place, you have purpose you are worth more than you know!! Come to Jesus. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Hope you like my music. Most of it I give away for FREE!!! It's a hobby, but I'd like to some day get paid good money for it. Most importantly I hope that the God touches your life the same way He's touched mines and countless others. - FOOD FOR YOUR SOUL;***If it aint James 1:27, !!! OFFENSE INTENDED ITS ALL LOVE B. Repent (renew ya mind), Jesus loves you and He is right around the corner closer than ever - i KNOW so. Trust Him. HE'S A GOOD Dad and friend and His Holy Spirit is off the chain!!! Keep it real keep it 100 Jesus LIVES!!! John 3:16 & John 17:3 etc,,, - ""isn't just a mere length of IS LITERALLY a QUALITY of living, a lifestyle based from the LIVING REALITY of the substance of heaven indwelling a BELIEVER... so for example, why shouldn't miracles, signs and wonders follow us? we either believe or we don't, and so in that way we are known by our fruit. IT IS, ALL, ABOUT YESHUA'S LOVE, the accomplished work on the cross. be blessed and contend effortlessly for what is your DNA, Grace & Peace
Band/artist history
I started writing when I was about 15 years old. When I was about 20 years old I had a supernatural encounter with God and Jesus became a real person to me and not just a story of a man who called Himself the Son of God in a book some people consider to be as good as a fairy tale novel. Within the first 3-4 years of my conversion I turned down 3 record deals along with several music opportunities that could have very well led to other record deals. I didn't feel right coming right off the street, ex gang member turned preacher in such a small amount of time. I knew me well enough, I had personal issues that still lingered. Speaking into someones life is extremely important and very delicate. Becoming a role model was overwhelming to me especially since I desperately needed one. Nevertheless I believe I made the right choice every time because needless to say, my first 5-7 years were absolutely crazy after my 2nd birth. I mos def did not want to confuse people and or make the lover of my soul out to be some weak God who couldn't change me among other things that people would be susceptible to think and or assume. Boy, the things I have gone through and how much more real the spirit world is now to me, not just in my head but in my heart also, are a direct result of the challenges and how I treated these challenges I have had to face and conquer in my journey towards not just who this holy and majestic God who called me is but also towards my very own sacred and holy identity only found in love, God is love. God loves you. So now here I am 33 years old, I not only write still but now I produce and am ready and willing to not only consider record deals or what else might be available for God to do Him through me but I am most importantly much more confident in the revelation of Jesus Christ about my life. I thank God for His grace and kindness and gentle touch that has so totally transformed who I am from the inside out. I am grateful He looked in the gutter and found it to be a delight to come and show me any kind of attention considering the type of character I was. There is so much but I will leave it to this for now. Feel free to contact me for interviews. Peace...
Have you performed in front of an audience?
I do shows out in the streets and will minister anywhere God opens up doors for me to go and be love.
Your musical influences
Mostly 90s emcees...
What equipment do you use?
32'' S24C350L, Custom built PC, Windows 7, FL Studio 9, Cubase 5, AKG c214, Focusrite 2i2, Yamaha HSM80s
Anything else?
I love God, I love people, I love God's chosen nation of people who decree, declare and release His glory on earth as it is in heaven. God bless you and yours and crown you with salvation and that He fill you with His Spirit and increase His presence in your life on the daily. Jesus is coming back sooner than you think!! Are you ready?? LOVE GOD PURSUE HOLINESS!!! ITS ALL LOVE B!!! ;) ;) ;) besitos


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