
44 songs
293 plays
Picture for song 'follow we seen 277' by artist 'Jhawani'

follow we seen 277

Hip Hop General

Picture for song '7even 3hirT' by artist 'Jhawani'

7even 3hirT

Hip Hop General

Picture for song 'lionheart 412' by artist 'Jhawani'

lionheart 412

Hip Hop General

Picture for song 'omegadon' by artist 'Jhawani'
Picture for song 'wuhooo' by artist 'Jhawani'
Have you performed in front of an audience?
I'm what 1ne would call an emcee. See, y'all might not remeber, but 1nce upon a time when hip hop was young and rap was getting no mainstream love, the emcee controlled the crowd, therefore controlling dha mic. After dha DJ fell in dha background, dha emcee was dha shit. What happened is, somewhere along the line, rappers took dha place of dha emcee, so dha people 4got, and dha youth never knew. I'm an Emcee, I perform everywhere.
Your musical influences
I'm extremely versitile. My musical prefrence ranges, honestly, from hip hop to R&B to Rock, and even pop. I just cant get with dhat country, though. My 1st love is always gonna be a fight between Hip Hop and Soul.


Elizabeth City, USA

Hip-Hop Hip Hop General

id: 911493


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