
Castile faceau ca muzica sa-mi para mai personala. Ea venea din capul meu, nu de afarã, din lume.

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12 songs
1.6K plays
Picture for song 'Pentru Totdeauna ft. KXNG Crooked' by artist 'Neoficial'

Pentru Totdeauna ft. KXNG Crooked

Alternative Hip Hop

Picture for song 'ft. Xzibit - Viata de dupa' by artist 'Neoficial'

ft. Xzibit - Viata de dupa

Alternative Hip Hop

Picture for song 'ft. MC Eiht - Hip-Hop Adevarat' by artist 'Neoficial'

ft. MC Eiht - Hip-Hop Adevarat

mc eiht /collab Alternative Hip Hop

Picture for song 'Pentru Hip-Hop' by artist 'Neoficial'

Pentru Hip-Hop

Alternative Hip Hop

Picture for song '- O sa fac ft. Krazee' by artist 'Neoficial'

- O sa fac ft. Krazee

Versuri/ Lyrics: Neoficial, Krazee Mix, master: Gabi Pecheanu Video: Bogdan Zaharia Beat: Overbass Beats

Alternative Hip Hop

Band/artist history
It all started in 2005, That's when I made my first song
Have you performed in front of an audience?
yes I performed live
Your musical influences
My influences come from my life
What equipment do you use?
I don't have my own studio, but whenever I prepare my song, I go to record at a private studio
Anything else?
Keep yout head up, keep your heart strong


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