Just a fool

A Pompous Clown on a cold Wednesday
its long its pompous. i need to add more memory but i think there is somthing there, the levels are shit i think the trap drops out but there is an ethereal quality that i dig.. so i will keep the idea...

well its been a bit,, here is my first tune in many years,, life got in the way, man.. what can i say. just some mix craft foolishness but i do like the counter melody of the synth,,, there some neat stuff going on... i will add guitar

Zoots Texas Groove
well, here is my take on Zoot Skipped the Groove, Again.. some bits i like kinda but im going to take another run at it... too much slop,, but there melody is there.. so its worth working on..

Red Sails At Sun Set
First off i would like to think Backing Track King for the BT.. i added 3 guitar parts all with my SST... on dream Acoustic setting.. any way i like it...
Well, its not really a band.. Im just a home studio guitarist Hack. so thats me on guitar.. and i program a machine for the rest or i snag a Backing Track off the Inter Web.. it serves as a proof of concept.
well i got a guitar in the 90's and learned 3 chords joined a Punk Band played a while never got ok with my playing.. tossed it away because i could not get the sounds i wanted because of gear and technology and my inability to focus on playing.. Gave it up... just kept an acoustic and went Old School.. best thing i ever did for my hacky playing,
Andy Summers
Pete Townsend
Robert Fripp
David Gilmore
heck.. this list will never end so i will just leave it at that
Electra Dual coil Ash.... blah blah its a guitar
SX SE Strat Copy i bought for 62 bucks i really love this guitar
Podxt Mulit Effects Unit
Guitar Rig 3
Sonar 8
and Audacity for final MP3 conversion
ALL these mixes are made for Stereo Headphones.. NOT SPEAKERS.. as bad as they may sound they will sound 100000 times worse through speakers.. levels and such are for headphones