Henrik Jespersen

Music from Copenhagen, Denmark

8 top 50
123 songs
6.6K plays
Picture for song 'Enten - Eller' by artist 'Henrik Jespersen'

Enten - Eller

Alternative General

Picture for song 'Det sidste kys farvel' by artist 'Henrik Jespersen'

Det sidste kys farvel

A love song about my lost love

Alternative General 85 BPM 4/4 No samples

Picture for song 'Ulykkelige kærlighed' by artist 'Henrik Jespersen'

Ulykkelige kærlighed

A danish accustic love song

Acoustic Folk 90 BPM 4/4 No samples

Picture for song 'Tilværelsens ulidelige lethed' by artist 'Henrik Jespersen'

Tilværelsens ulidelige lethed

A Danish Love Song

Rock General 125 BPM 4/4 No samples

Picture for song 'Jeg ønsker kun dig Charlotte' by artist 'Henrik Jespersen'

Jeg ønsker kun dig Charlotte

Alternative General 85 BPM 4/4 No samples

Independent danish artist plays very melodic and original music
Band/artist history
My story as an amateur in playing music: I got my first acustic guitar at age 12 (1972) and my first electric at age 14. Played in a local Copenhagen Band "The Pink Mooners" from age 18-23 - We were absolutely lousy, but as best friends, who cared - we just kicked ass, playing in a soundproof basement. In the following years, doing my career in the printing business. Every now and again I played my Acustic guitar, with my Gibson Les Paul Costum just being kept a safe place, waiting for the day.... Spring 2006 - I agreed with my X-girlfriend (Mother to my 2 boys, Alfred and Johannes), to go and live in the small garden house (In Danish "Kolonihaven" - reason to my MySpace name). Sitting there alone, with what I thought was my family, living in another place. Lonely, sad... I sought comfort in playing my good old guitar. One thing lead to another - So now allmost a year later, I have sort of a mini studio, with a lot of programs on my desktop PC. Recording stuff, I never knew I would be able to do. Enjoy!
Have you performed in front of an audience?
With Karen listening to me, playing my guitar, singing soft songs
Your musical influences
Every girl I have meet, and every guitar player i have heard has inspired me
What equipment do you use?
Protools - Gibson Les Poul Custom - Martin J40
Anything else?
I would LOVE feedback - Everything I do here are sketches to be produced the prober way, if anyone likes my stuff


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