Thom Gelineau

Rod's Steakhouse Blues

You're Really Gone
This song is an alternate version of an older song called You're Gone which is in the Country/ Western chart

Music Handed Down To Me
True family story with a traditional country sound. Rich Brennion on pedal steel.

That's The Way
Inspired by my dad and grandfather. Actually more on the Bluegrass side. Photo, 1952

Back To My Home Town Version A
Album : "From The Heart" Produced and recorded by Dave Vizedom

Old Guys Rule
Written for The Old Guys Rule Company and all of us "Old Guys" over 60.

Our Love Just Won't Grow - B
Written after a long time apart due to job training and career chasing. A bluegrass flavored tune.

She's Dreamin' Tonight
Alternate version of "Two Steppin' Long Neckin" Same lyrics different styl INVALID . Rich Brennion on pedal steel

At The Local Pool Hall - version B
More than money lost that night. Alternate version is on country general charts.

Gone From My Sight
After my parents passed away in '05,'06, I wrote this based on a dream about them. Reached #1, 7-26-18

Home Is Where My Heart Is
A personal song for my wife, Deni. Pedal Steel: Rich Brennion

Home Is Where My Heart Is - B

This Is The Day
Originally written for my daughter Harmony's wedding in 1994. This version written 2001.

Still In Love With Me - version B

Anyone Around - A
Observing people, offering no answers. Version B is on Americana charts

Anyone Around - version B
observing people, offering no answers. Original version in Folk Rock catergory.