Well, my name is Her-Lena but I go by TaQuita or Lena. I'm 15 and I reside in the North Suburbs of Chicago. As of now my mik is a Webcam. it's built in. So the quality kinda sucks. Realy don't know how to use my program to well but i'll get better. Uh. just hope my shit is somewhat decent.
Started freestyling offline bout 4 yrs ago. Been addicted ever since. Friends told me about this place so I came here.
Nope. I have no money.
I know Musiq is no where near hip hop but his music inspires me. You might here a few R&b tracks on here. Cos i sing also.
Yeah and check out my guys lable.. Gotta Album out and shit.
check out the new Vulture squad album at www.cdbaby.com/vulture