
Josep Antoni Garcia Rami is a Catalan musician, arranger and composer graduated in classical piano. He composes ambient, electronic and post-classical music.

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Picture for song 'For quiet moments' by artist 'Nahum'

For quiet moments


Picture for song 'Calm down, my heart' by artist 'Nahum'

Calm down, my heart


Picture for song 'Chained' by artist 'Nahum'
Picture for song 'Crosswinds' by artist 'Nahum'



Picture for song 'Lullaby for my Heart (Bressolant el meu cor)' by artist 'Nahum'

Lullaby for my Heart (Bressolant el meu cor)

improvisation rate lullaby


EMOTIONAL MUSIC, Film music, classical, new age, instrumental, world music and others Abril de 2014: Mi último tema: Butterfly. Las ideas musicales aparecen instantáneamente, a veces crecen y se desarrollan; otras veces simplemente son lo que son y no tienen demasiada continuidad. Exactamente como el vuelo de una mariposa, que viaja de flor en flor sin descanso, aparentemente repitiéndose... pero lo cierto es que cada uno de sus vuelos es diferente y la mariposa, huidiza, sabe que mientras se mueve está viva, y que cuando pare desaparecerá. April 2014: My last song: Butterfly. Musical ideas suddenly appear, sometimes they grow, develop, sometimes just are what they are and do not have much continuity. As the flight of a butterfly that changes permanently place, traveling tirelessly from flower to flower, apparently repeating itself ... but the truth is that each flight is different and the butterfly, fleeting, she knows she is alive if it moves, and if it stops disappear ... Abril de 2014: Les idees musicals apareixen sobtadament, de vegades creixen, es desenvolupen, de vegades simplement son el que son i no tenen massa continuitat. Com el vol d'una papallona, que va canviant permanentment de lloc, viatjant de flor en flor sense descans, aparentment repetint-se... pero el cert es que cada vol es diferent i la papallona, fugissera, ella sap que es viva si es mou, i que si s'atura desapareixera... 24 Març 2014: ALEGRÍA. A Barcelona, cada primavera, durant uns dies, l'ajuntament, juntament amb el Concurs Maria Canals, situa pianos en diferents llocs estrategics de la ciutat. Avui, en el metro, n'he vist un, m'hi he assegut i he improvisat un parell de peces... Estava inspirat. M'hagues quedat més estona, pero s'havien aturat a escoltar-me uns quants vianants i m'ha fet una mica de vergonya seguir tocant. Quan m'he aixecat, una dona m'ha seguit i m'ha demanat que era el que acabava de tocar. Li he dit que era meu. M'ha demanat si podia escoltar-ho a algun lloc... Li he dit no, pero tinc la meva musica penjada a un web. M'ha demanat el web i li he donat. Li he dit, però, aixo que acabo de tocar no hi es, perque ho acabo d'improvisar... He tornat a casa recordant el tema principal d'aquesta peca... i m'he posat a composar-la i a enregistrar-la... segur que no és com era allà al metro, pero es el meu regal per la dona desconeguda que m'ha dit que aquella musica l'havia conmogut. In Barcelona, every spring for a few days , the council , along with the Maria Canals Competition for piano player , piano placed in various strategic locations in the city. Today in the subway I've seen , I've sat and I've improvised a couple of pieces ... I was inspired . I had stayed longer but had stopped listening to me a few pedestrians and made me a little embarrassed to continue playing . When I raised a woman followed me and asked me what I was playing . I said it was mine. I asked if I could listen to it somewhere ... I told him no, but I have my music uploaded to a website. Asked me and I gave the website . I said , but just why it is not playing , so I just improvise ... I come home remembering the main theme of this piece ... and I put it to compose and record sure ... it 's not like there was on the subway , but it is my gift to the unknown woman who told me that the music had touched his emotions ... October 2013: My last composition: Inner Dance. Best with headphones. Immersed in induced sleep, I give a lucid journey, dancing with indoor meetings, intimate understandings. There acceptance finally love myself ... and that gives me the ability to see others with love and acceptance. There are tears on my face, but are sharp, daughters of serenity. Sumergido en un sueño inducido, me entrego a un viaje lúcido, danzando con los encuentros interiores, las comprensiones íntimas. Hay aceptación por fin, amor por mi mismo... y eso me regala la posibilidad de ver al otro con amor, con aceptación. Hay lágrimas en mi rostro, pero son nítidas, hijas de la serenidad. September 2013: My last composition: Serene. Sometimes there are small gems like this song. In this case arose in a casual way, without having previously thought I wanted to do. When I looked for a title I realized that if anything was defined this music that emerged in a moment of serenity, calmness in my spirit. That's why I titled Serene. Algunas veces surgen pequeñas joyas como esta pieza. En este caso surgió casualmente, sin haber pensado previamente lo que quería hacer. Cuando busqué un título me di cuenta que lo que define a esta música es que emergió en un momento de serenidad, de paz en mi espíritu. Por eso la titulé "Sereno". June 2012. The last symphonic work: Crisis. Is the trumpet of doom, or just a circus orchestrated in which someone gives the signal? Who marks the rhythm of this confusion? Es la trompeta del juicio final, o simplemente un circo orquestado en el que alguien da la llamada? Quien marca el compas de esta confusion? April 2012. New work: Maniac Please listen to the end. Better with headphones. I wanted to do something symphonic, dynamic and dramatic. I listened to Alexander Desplat and his soundtracks amaze me. I started this theme with a obstinato on the strings, and for that reason based on a fourth melodic interval appeared the subject. One issue that repeatedly came back, like a crazy idea that will not stop, desperate. Then, when it was obvious that both tired me frantic movement I needed to continue the theme, in another register, more calm, to shape and make it an attractive melody accompanied by new and clearer harmonies. Madness is unpredictable: from despair to calm, anguish to serenity, from stress to sensuality. Por favor, escucha hasta el final. Y mejor con auriculares. Tenía ganas de hacer algo sinfónico, dinámico y dramático. He escuchado a Alexander Desplat y me maravillan sus bandas sonoras. He empezado este tema con un obstinato en las cuerdas, y de ese motivo basado en un intervalo melódico de cuarta ha aparecido el tema. Un tema que volvía insistentemente, como una idea loca que no se detiene, desesperante. Luego, cuando era obvio que tanto movimiento frenético me fatigaba he necesitado continuar con el tema, en otro registro, más calmado, para darle forma y convertirlo en una melodía atractiva acompañada de nuevas y más claras armonías. La locura es imprevisible: de la desesperación a la calma, de la angustia a la serenidad, de la tensión a la sensualidad. October 2011. Two news compositions: 1. Melangia (Melancholia) I'm still letting the music emerge spontaneously, no foresight or predetermined structure. A melodic motif is the embryonic cell of everything that arises, the other melodic lines meet, accompany, without excessive concern with the resulting harmonies. Although once all becomes a dead end, I prefer it. Two instruments immersed in the same game. Sigo dejando que la música surja espontáneamente, no hay previsión ni estructura predeterminada. Un motivo melódico es la célula embrionaria de todo lo que surge, las otras líneas melódicas responden, acompañan, sin tener excesivo cuidado con las armonías resultantes. A pesar de que alguna vez todo se convierta en un callejón sin salida, lo prefiero. Dos instrumentos inmersos en el mismo juego. 2. Tempus Fugit: A routine desperate for the inevitable step of time. A brief 5-note melodic motif that drops precipitously. A background obstinato rhythmic pizzicato. Violins and cellos creating a counterpoint of long notes and sometimes imitating the central melodic motif. Una rutina desesperada por el inevitable paso del tiempo. Un breve motivo melodico de 5 notas que descienden precipitandose. Un obstinato ritmico de fondo en pizzicato. Violines y violoncelos creando un contrapunto de notas largas y a veces imitando el motivo melodico central. April 2011: Yesterday I had a revelation ... something like a new understanding. Do not write music. I'm just a channel through which music manifests. Imperfect channel ... I do not care. Because despite my imperfections as a channel, as a performer, composer ... music is something much bigger, and always will be perfect if I let her do the talking, which is expressed, which will expand over time, which orders and purchase their own logic. The channel is not important ... what matters is the music. Ayer tuve una revelación... algo así como una comprensión nueva. No compongo música. Soy solo un canal a través del cual la música se manifiesta. Un canal imperfecto... pero no me importa. Porque a pesar de mi imperfección como canal, como intérprete, como compositor... la música es algo mucho más grande, y siempre será perfecta si dejo que sea ella la que hable, la que se exprese, la que se expanda en el tiempo, la que se ordene y adquiera su propia lógica. El canal no es lo importante... lo importante es la música. February 2010: It seems that after a period when me and my piano and I did not communicate, dialogue has arisen again. Although my fingers are not as agile as before, they still respond to what my emotions suggest ... I welcome this reunion and its fruits. Parece que despues de un tiempo en que yo y mi piano no nos comunicabamos, el dialogo ha surgido de nuevo. Aunque mis dedos ya no son tan agiles como antes todavia responden a lo que mis emociones les sugieren... bienvenido sea este reencuentro y sus frutos. allowFullScreen from on ./
Band/artist history
I have been studying music in Barcelona since I was six, specializing in piano. Beginning with my dealings with the world of amateur theater, especially of the musical variety, and given my performances as a pianist in recitals, concerts, and musical theater, the need to compose and arrange music arose. Little by little my passion took shape and gained importance in my life. The internet gives me the opportunity to feel free, inspired and stimulated to compose new works which come from my intuition as I keep integrating countless music styles that are part of my artistic and musical background. Estudio musica desde mi infancia en Barcelona, especializandome en piano. A partir de mi contacto con el mundo del teatro amateur, especialmente musical, y con mis interpretaciones como pianista en recitales, conciertos y teatro musical, surgio la necesidad de componer y arreglar musica. Poco a poco mi pasion por la musica ha ido tomando forma e importancia. Internet me ofrece la oportunidad de sentirme libre, inspirado y estimulado a componer nuevos temas que surgen de la intuicion y de la asimilacion de un sinfin de estilos musicales que forman parte de mi bagaje musical y artistico.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Sometimes I play in musicals and recitals
Your musical influences
Classical, film music, jazz, world music, pop, new age, etc, etc. I'm really eclectic Phillip Glass, Arvo Pärt, Wim Mertens, Ennio Morricone, Rachel Grimes, Rachel Portland, Michael Nyman, Alexander Desplat, Pat Metheny, Jan Garbarek, Gabriel Fauré, Samuel Barber, Eric Satie, F.Chopin, J.S.Bach and others
What equipment do you use?
Mac Book Pro, Logic Studio, Apple sound librairies, piano and PC. As of June 18, I added to my studio Miroslav Philharmonik instruments.
Anything else?
I recommend that all my music is listened to with headphones: not yet mastered the sound editing and I realize that when you listen through the speakers the sound quality lost and therefore the music is less interesting. I hope to learn soon, sorry. Recomiendo que toda mi música se escuche con auriculares: todavía no domino la edición del sonido y me doy cuenta que cuando se escucha a través de los altavoces la calidad del sonido pierde, y por tanto la música es menos interesante. Espero aprender dentro de poco, lo siento.


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