
New and old style hiphop ethnic rythm and beats.

43 songs
3.2K plays
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Hip Hop General

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From the West Side

Hip Hop General

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holdin me down

Hip Hop General

Well Im pretty much a producer of many types of music. I make a little bit of everything, but this page in particular is going to focus on my hiphop beats.
Band/artist history
History? Well I started making electronic music back in 97 I think. I then went on to learn how to play the drums, Bass and what not. I did actually have a rock band but it never worked out. So now I mostly make music solo, with help every now and then from some friends.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Umm not yet playing Live anywhere. Im never happy with my own stuff so Im constantly rewriting things and I don't think I have enough equipment yet either.
Your musical influences
I have mysical influences from all spectrums. I like all kinds of music. So its kinda hard to say exactly who Is an influence. I think music in general is my influence.
What equipment do you use?
I make techno and electronica, I use various computer programs. I have some hardware which Im not impressed with. Right now Im holding out for an access virus KC and an Andromedia A6
Anything else?
check my other and my


Indianapolis, IN  USA

Hip-Hop Hip Hop General

id: 89858


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