Ron Wrigley

Picture for song 'Brown Eyes & Rainy Nights' by artist 'Ron Wrigley'

Brown Eyes & Rainy Nights

Country General

Picture for song 'Leavin' For Cleveland' by artist 'Ron Wrigley'

Leavin' For Cleveland

Girlfriends come and girlfriends go, but a Daddy always stays the same


Picture for song 'Vietnam Man' by artist 'Ron Wrigley'
Picture for song 'Mamie (Was a C-1A)' by artist 'Ron Wrigley'

Mamie (Was a C-1A)

April 1982, the USS EISENHOWER'S COD, "Mamie" crashed into a Mountainside while trying navigate through a severe rainstorm, All 4 Crewmembers and their 7 passengers were killed on impact. This song honors Mamie and those lost in the crash.

#9 in Country General

Picture for song 'Angel in the Garden' by artist 'Ron Wrigley'

Angel in the Garden

A song about fathers and daughters.

Country General

Picture for song 'That November Day' by artist 'Ron Wrigley'

That November Day

Dedicated t0 my grandfather who stood on the battlefield in France, November 1918, as his Artillery Unit fell silent on That November Day. In honor to all Veterans of the Great War and their descendants.

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