BIG BAND 20 pieces

7 top 50
10 songs
7.7K plays
Picture for song 'ONE BY ONE (demo)' by artist 'SANGUINET Jazzband'

ONE BY ONE (demo)

Fine tune

Cover Songs

Picture for song 'Straight no chaser (T Monk) version Buddy Rich' by artist 'SANGUINET Jazzband'

Straight no chaser (T Monk) version Buddy Rich

A masterpiece_ our amators band loves it !!!...

Cover Songs

Picture for song 'Times lie' by artist 'SANGUINET Jazzband'

Times lie


Cover Songs

Picture for song 'Well you needn't ' by artist 'SANGUINET Jazzband'

Well you needn't

Live (Fest de Jazz de Sanguinet 2016)

Cover Songs

Picture for song 'Goodbye pork pie hat' by artist 'SANGUINET Jazzband'

Goodbye pork pie hat

Live record (no mix) of this famous tune of Charlie Mingus in Lesperon (Landes).

Cover Songs

Jazz Band (Associatif Loisirs & Culture de la Commune de SANGUINET _LANDES). 20 persons playing Modern Jazz as favorite hobby. With fun and passion.
Band/artist history
Sergio Diederich created in 1999 an association to organize an annual Jazz festival in Sanguinet each end of July . Then, a music school has been created and some of the best students can join the Sanguinet Jazzband, as well as many amateurs and some professional musicians coming from the region (Born and Landes) to play with the big band !:)
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Yes, for local festivities.
Your musical influences
Jazz, swing, gigs, girls, see & sun, vivifying air of our magical lake.
What equipment do you use?
Acoustic instruments except the keyboard, sono Bose for voice, solists and keyboard .
Anything else?
Drop a mail for any info.


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