Welcome to our place. We are The Rev. Righteous Johnson Band, a blues band founded by Reverend Righteous Johnson, friends and special guests.
Righteous Johnson pops up now and again in basements, living rooms, back porches and garages in north Atlanta GA. A couple of times a month The Reverend and his congregation have a better thing going than the Rolling Stones during Mardi Gras except not as many women are flashing their breasts. Trust us, we're working on it.
Recordings herein are off a rig set up in the church root cellar. Accidental because someone swapped the wire to the audio recorder in the sanctuary with the chapel video recorder wired to the light switch in the ladies room down the street at Waffle House.
Seats are open in the congregation or choir, no tithing required. Please note, Sunny Disposition ain't the name of our bass player, it's required for adimission. If you forget yours then look elsewhere for a band who cares. Guaranteed it won't be us.
Take a listen. Commando in particular on the Music link isn't too bad for a 1st pass jam.
NOTE: Check out our new album cover at right, The Reverend's Guide to Internet Dating 101. The lovely creature who modelled for us was The Reverend's 13th and 14th internet dates, quite the lady as you can see.
The Reverend has no recollection. These people with guitars and such just started showing up and singing and The Rev loves singing and foolin around.
Most of the band members are live. One time the Reverend did have to resurrect the harmonica player to do his solo. Man did he jump when the Reverend took his Thunderbird bottle. ("Just have to know how to motivate folks." - The Rev)
The old blues masters that have names like Blind, Lonesome, Sonny - those kind of folk. Also folk who is either real skinny or real fat.
Lectric Guitars except real drums and harmonicas. Vostex VF-16 recorded everything but Last Call and International Wedding Blues.
Names have been changed to protect the guilty. The Reverend made improper moves on his parole officer ("Hell, she wouldn't know" - The Rev) and she reactivated warrants.