Not For The Mainstream
Experimental band creating mostly music ranging from pop, rock, funk, R&B, reggae and jazz.
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Lyricist/Songwriter - and music aficionado.
Band/artist history
You are seeing it, unfold.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Initially, I did some performing in public (bars, community events, praise bands, and street fairs).
Followed by a period of.. re-interpreting songs made famous by popular artists. - A process that I started to find rather intriguing for a while.
Now, It's primarily about writing new music & enjoying the creative process.
Your musical influences
Anything and everything that I have ever heard has influenced me... in one way, or another.
What equipment do you use?
Bass, guitar and keyboards... mostly.
And, using DAW's for recording & producing projects to flesh out musical ideas.
Anything else?
I have always believed that the job of an artist has never been to merely reflect the status quo.
I feel the artist is also obligated to entertain, amuse, & educate... and, also to shock, appall, stimulate, irritate, and shatter old perceptions... while pushing the public in new directions they had never imagined.
As an artist, I don't want audiences to feel comfortable and familiar with my work.
If someone experiences my art (in whatever form) and doesn't... feel love, hate, admiration, disdain, anger, sadness, or repulsion, then I would view that as a monumental failure.
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Comments (411)
Superb! Love that gritty guitar! Wow! What a hook
Smooth as silk!! Very cool!
This is a great funky track, love the vibe & the rich tones. Very uplifting, enjoyed it a lot!
Oh yeah....really like this!! Love that funkiness and soulful vibe. Definitely has a touch of magic.
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