Matt Bedrock

This is my gear testing page.

24 top 50
54 songs
48.3K plays
Picture for song 'B&G 5w' by artist 'Matt Bedrock'

B&G 5w

Demo of my Brown and Green (B&G) Mini Amp

Instrumental Rock

Picture for song 'JCM800 Clip' by artist 'Matt Bedrock'

JCM800 Clip

Demo clip of JCM800 2204 Handwired Amp

Instrumental Rock

Picture for song 'Brown Super Champ' by artist 'Matt Bedrock'

Brown Super Champ

Recorded on my Brownface Super Champ and an Am Std Tele

Instrumental Rock

Picture for song 'Tele Cabronita GFS' by artist 'Matt Bedrock'

Tele Cabronita GFS

Squier Tele Cabronita with GFS '63 Overwound bridge pickup (7.8K)

Instrumental Rock

Picture for song 'Tele Cabronita Stock' by artist 'Matt Bedrock'

Tele Cabronita Stock

Squier Tele Cabronita with stock Squier bridge pickup (6.96K)

Instrumental Rock

This is where I post my gear testing results. Check out Matt Nylen (me) for original music.
Band/artist history
I collect guitars, both new and vintage and vintage amplifiers. I also build tube amps, both reproductions of classics and my own unique designs. This is where you can check it out!


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