Three years in Portland Oregon, listening to KKJZ and KUPL forced a bunch of C&W into David Graham's consciousness and this is the result.
David Graham (a.k.a. Nine Mile Hill) is an accomplished songwriter and musician, having played and toured with Eric McFadden (Liar, Alien Lovestock, etc.), Storm Large (Storm and her Dirty Mouth, the Balls), Beanweevils, Gruesome Galore and many more.
I was playing quite a bit in Portland, but I recently relocated to Orange County, California and have not made any contacts. I would love to find someone to try and collaborate with but for now, I'm happy in my studio. I'm sure the right thing will come along.
I love everyone from Stan Getz to David Grisman. If there is musicality in the content, I like it. My influences on this stuff is probably like...uh...Alan Jackson, Steve Wariner, Chet Atkins...guys like that.