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Picture for song 'MARY-GO-ROUND' by artist 'ZAN THE MAN'


Life is like a merry-go-round - Same Thing Over & Over/ Video On Youtube

Country General

Picture for song 'CLOSER WALK WITH THEE' by artist 'ZAN THE MAN'


Let it be, dear Lord, let it be.


Picture for song 'NEVER GROW OLD' by artist 'ZAN THE MAN'


In memory of Mom and Dad - Video on YouTube

Acoustic Guitar

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"He's A Wonderful Savior To Me"-Video on YouTube

Christian Country

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My crazy excuse for everything. Video on YouTube.


Jesus Bridge
Hello I'm Zan The Man. Many years ago I recorded some songs on a stero reel to reel tape recorder, and the results were not that great. When the old recorder broke I could't find anyone to work on it so I quit recording and ultimately quit playing. I was a disc jockey during this period of time playing music on the air and recording my own music at home in secret. My recorded music was only shared with a few close friends and family. Many years later when computers came to the station I was working at, I was not happy about that. I didn't know a thing about computers, and could care less. When I learned how to use a wave editor I began to see all the advantages of digital recording and editing, and how much easier it was. Over time national radio shows and computer automation made me decide to get out of radio. My live, on the air, radio show was in effect over. I guess I still have the urge to put my voice out there so to speak. That may be why I got my own computer with recording software so I could record songs again. I've gone from putting commercials on the radio, to songs on the internet. My songs were recorded back in 2007. When these songs are gone I'll decide then whether to record more or not. Thanks so much for the fans and support I've picked up along the way. Zan The Man Up-dated 8/8/09
Band/artist history
All I have is one guitar. That is just a "band aid." If I had any less, I wouldn't have a thing. I have next to nothing, and that at least gives me a sound all my own.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
I have played live. I like the recording and editing process more than playing live. The recordings sound better than what I'm able to do live.
Your musical influences
If I say who my influences are that will type-cast my music. Its best to just let it be what it is. When I up-load a song, I'm not sure where to put it.
What equipment do you use?
I use nero wave editor. It is very similar to cool edit, the program I used at the last radio station I worked at. I record rythm between verses, then go back and record lead on the other channel.
Anything else?
It is great to share my feelings in a song. Thanks to all of you that gave me your "TIME" it is the most precious gift you can give. Zan 8/8/09


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