I am Citadel. One of the original three members of Cave Dwellers Entertainment (along with Prodigal Son and Kwestion)
You bet your ass I open up the MC portion of every CDE session
BluePrint, Aesop Rock, Atmosphere, Grayskul, Deep Puddle Dynamics, OneBeLo aka OneManArmy, Chali 2na, Prevail, A&B Conversation, QELD, Life From Mars, MArs Ill, the Procussions, RAGE AGAINST THE FUCKING MACHINE, pre-thug Jedi Mind Tricks, pre-thug 2pac, Illogic, Sweat Shop Union, Del The Funkee Homosapien, HOUSE OF MOTHERFUCKING PAIN, El-P, etc.
Adobe Audition, Audio-Techinica MB3000L
Word to all your mothers