Before Young Fate, the group was called UGC. UGC consisted of an original 4 members, then down to just 2, Sparda and Reeney. UGC then had a sudden increase of members, reaching 5. Sparda, Clifton, Cypher, J and Reeney. UGC then had to change names due to copyright. Young Fate Records was born, and consisted of the same members. Again, another sudden increase of members, now reaching 7. Sparda, Clifton, Cypher, J, Naila, Reeney and Silky. Young Fate the took a turn for the worst through beefs and had a dramatic split. Losing all members apart from Sparda and Clifton. Sparda then revived Young Fate along with Clifton. Clifton and J then left due to complications within their personal lives. Now they stand as a firm 4 member group.
Young Fate - Sparda, Reeney, Shotz & Trex
Title: Young Fate Records CEO / Vocalist / Lyricist / Producer
"I've enjoyed working with Young Fate for the past few years. Obviously it hasn't been without its struggles. But enough of that, just down to the good stuff, we are currently working on advertisement and promotion. So for the next few months prepare to be SPAM'd! Young Fate would be nothing without the love of their fans! So keep up the support and we'll deliver our best!"
Title: Young Fate Records CMO / Vocalist / Lyricist
"I started out in UGC when I was 15, as years has gone on, I feel that I have progressed more and more with my vocals. Recently I haven't had much time to write more material and start new work so I feel as though I have lost my touch abit, I need a big come back really! As a group we have had our up's and down's but now we stand as a complete four piece and I can't wait to make big hits with these guys! You havent seen my best yet, I can promise you that!"
Title: Vocalist / Lyricist
"I started off as a MC on my own, from the age of 15. Since then I have increased my ability to write lyrics and have learnt to control my flow. I have recently Joined YFR and am very excited. As I have worked with Sparda for few months beforehand, also my alias has been changed from J Dot C to Shotz due to J dot C being too common. I am very pleased to be a member of YFR and I believe that us, as a group will make it. I see myself as a talented young Rapper, who has the desire to make it big. So everyone out there that rates us, help us by spreading our name around."
Title: Vocalist / Lyricist
"I began to rap when I was 13 years of age, just jotin' down lyrics on my pc but nothing came from it, I felt like was wasting my time but I never gave up, I kept fightin', then I came across Sparda, who gave me the belief that I could write lyrics and flow on a track. Sparda has kept his eye over me for the past year now and he has helped me to get better and greater. I know I have improved loads through the input from Sparda and I feel I will carry on getting better and better."