* ALL SONGS ARE NOW AVAILABLE FOR FREE DOWNLOADS - if you want to donate to the cause, feel free to ask me about donations. :)
First things first: I'm not a musician. I played drums as a kid, but I can't play piano, read music, or even tell you what notes are what. I just push buttons until something sounds good. With that out of the way, there's not much to say about myself really. I make music as a hobby, and try not to take it too seriously - hell, I rarely finish a song anyway. I just like making music, and if you're like me, you love listening to it too. I want to make sure the tunes I make can be heard and hopefully enjoyed by as many people as possible, if not for anything else, then for the love of music.
If you want my band history, most of it is above this paragraph. I'm too lazy to get into the details, really. ;)
I've never played live, as I don't really find it interesting for electronic music. I have played live as a drummer in a punk band and in a rock band, but that was a long time ago.
Crystal Method was a huge influence on me, Equalibrum was a guy who made me go out and get a drumpad on a whim, and I've been making music again since then, after having been in a 4-year slump. I get a lot of influence from video games, and some of the artists who remix video game songs (i.e. dj pretzel, Beatdrop, 1makes2, bLiNd, and more from the ocremix.org crew).
Fruity Loops XXL Producer Edition, a ton of VSTs and SFs, and a lot of misc tidbits for FL. Aside from that, a lot of tweaking and mashing on the AKAI MPD24. I just picked up some tools for my Linux box, so we'll see if that brings out anything new. :)
Check out my personal webpage anytime for the first place to get updates on my music (and will always have ALL of my songs - that I haven't lost). It's available at http://www.carbonphiber.com - Bookmark it!