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Mary Elise

Mary Elise
3 songs
170 plays
Picture for song 'Broken Down Without Walls' by artist 'Mary Elise'

Broken Down Without Walls

Picture for song 'I Love You' by artist 'Mary Elise'
Picture for song 'Flower in the Sand' by artist 'Mary Elise'

Flower in the Sand

Watching me on stage or listening to my songs on a computer won't give the depth of what I've done, what I've been through, or what I've seen. If it could, there would be no point for me to continue. I would be able to sing a few songs and you'd know everything there is to know about me and my story. God has given me the tests of life to make me who I am today. He has allowed me to endure loss, pain, and emotional hurts to show me how strong I can be through Him! Most would look at me and wonder what I could possibly have been through. Most days I look like I have it all together, and my age says, "I'm young and untarnished." Unfortunately looks can be deceiving. I have learned well to hide the pain, hide what's real. Thankfully God is relearning me in the area of walking in truth. The tests of my short life have given me my story, and my willingness to let God heal and teach me allows Him to shine through me. It's an ongoing battle to find what God wants from us next. I'm always looking for the next step...crying out to the God who knows what's best for my life. By His grace ONLY am I allowed to walk in this truth and share hope with others. Every day is a process to grow and become more like Christ. He will finish the work He's started in me, but it will be a life long journey. If we ever get to the point where we think we're perfect...we need a serving of humble pie. I've learned that I'm not perfect, I cant do everything right, but because Christ died for me I am made complete. His mercy made me that way, nothing I have done. In discovering all this, I have been traveling through the healing/forgiving process. I'm not perfect, nor is anyone else. God's mercy was given to me...why not extend the same mercies to others who have hurt me. My cry is to be more like Christ, and show His love and hope to others who need it. In the midst of this journey and finding those open doors, I hope to bring a few smiles too!


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