jeff brear

2 top 50
20 songs
5.0K plays
Picture for song 'shadows. [1]' by artist 'jeff brear'

shadows. [1]

a song i wrote, about the passage of time.

Acoustic General

Picture for song 'thanks 2' by artist 'jeff brear'

thanks 2

a song i wrote about being in a relationship, being in love and what it feels like .


Picture for song 'Mississippi' by artist 'jeff brear'


this is a song i wrote, about A man who loses his wife and his home to the Mississippi river. from time to time the Mississippi River floods its banks and creates devastation, this song is one man's account of that devastation .

#49 in Blues General

Picture for song 'feeling fine' by artist 'jeff brear'

feeling fine

saying goodbye to your love

#24 in Country and Western

Picture for song 'strangers, country and western' by artist 'jeff brear'

strangers, country and western

love n hope in a relationship

Country and Western

jeff brear

Coral Springs, FL  USA

Acoustic Acoustic General

id: 869111


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