Secondhand Savior

Picture for song 'King sh*** Of f*** Mountain' by artist 'Secondhand Savior'

King sh*** Of f*** Mountain

New synths, test song.

Goth Rock

Picture for song 'I Couldn't Love You More If I Tried (demo)' by artist 'Secondhand Savior'

I Couldn't Love You More If I Tried (demo)

Pigtronix Mothership test.

Goth Rock

Picture for song 'Imaginary Girl (in progress mix)' by artist 'Secondhand Savior'

Imaginary Girl (in progress mix)

Goth Rock

Picture for song 'Wasteland Of Your Heart (feat. Anonyomous Fleet)' by artist 'Secondhand Savior'

Wasteland Of Your Heart (feat. Anonyomous Fleet)

Secondhand Savior with Anonymous Fleet.

Goth Rock

Picture for song 'AC30 Cranked And Boosted' by artist 'Secondhand Savior'

AC30 Cranked And Boosted

Vox AC30/6 TBX, channels jumpered and up all the way. The second half of the clip adds a Voodoo Lab Sparkle Drive.

Goth Rock

Picture for song 'Australopithicine' by artist 'Secondhand Savior'


Goth Rock

Picture for song 'WGS_ET65_GB_test' by artist 'Secondhand Savior'


Goth Rock

Picture for song 'Extinguisher (very unfinished)' by artist 'Secondhand Savior'

Extinguisher (very unfinished)

Goth Rock

Picture for song 'Left On Mission And Revenge- In Progress' by artist 'Secondhand Savior'

Left On Mission And Revenge- In Progress

Goth Rock

Picture for song 'Crying Won't Help You (in progress)' by artist 'Secondhand Savior'

Crying Won't Help You (in progress)

Goth Rock

Picture for song 'Ingenue (new mix)' by artist 'Secondhand Savior'

Ingenue (new mix)

Goth Rock

Picture for song 'Where Monsters Are In Dreams (new mix)' by artist 'Secondhand Savior'

Where Monsters Are In Dreams (new mix)

Goth Rock

Picture for song 'Where Monsters Are In Dreams' by artist 'Secondhand Savior'

Where Monsters Are In Dreams

Goth Rock

Picture for song 'Ambient Mic Test' by artist 'Secondhand Savior'

Ambient Mic Test

Hard Rock

Picture for song 'Stoney Test' by artist 'Secondhand Savior'

Stoney Test

Mic pre test at whisper volume.

Hard Rock

Picture for song 'Jim The Hammer Shapiro' by artist 'Secondhand Savior'

Jim The Hammer Shapiro

Mashup of hysterical shyster lawyer commercial over halfassed industrial track. :-D

Goth Rock

Picture for song 'Wasteland Of Your Heart' by artist 'Secondhand Savior'

Wasteland Of Your Heart

Collaboration in progress with Voltaire from HC.

Goth Rock

Picture for song 'Gethsemane (SD2.0 test mix)' by artist 'Secondhand Savior'

Gethsemane (SD2.0 test mix)

Meet the new mix, different than the old mix. Testing out some new toys.

Goth Rock

Picture for song 'The Communist Manifesto' by artist 'Secondhand Savior'

The Communist Manifesto

Randomly named song, currently being written.

Goth Rock

Picture for song 'Mexican Standoff' by artist 'Secondhand Savior'

Mexican Standoff

A new song idea.

Goth Rock