HARRISON KRIPPS is an electronic MIDI duo formed in 1984 producing all original material. This collection is a digital version of their recordings on analog tape [1990-1991]. Some of the inspiration originated from extensive travels in developing countries where Robert KRIPPS and Libby HARRISON operated as United Nations and NGO Nutritionists, always performing...countries and sideline bands in parentheses included Grenada W.I. [Honky Dread and the 7 Degrees], Papua New Guinea [Marila], Laos, Cambodia [Chan Trea], Fiji, all of Central America, Australia. Their most recent project is LikoLili, doing traditional Hawaiian music [2006...see soundclick site]. They live half-year in Canada and Hawai'i.
Songs #22 - 28 are the very first recordings for historical purposes [1985], and #29 is the only extant recording of Kripps' early band "Fantastic Floon" [1969].
All songs on this site written, produced and copyright HARRISON KRIPPS [except #29]
Other sites:
www.soundclick.com/likolili Hawaiian music project
www.youtube.com/harrisonkripps video 1990 world food day concert
www.myspace.com/likolili source and video index, lifestory blog
www.panyana.webs.com tropical homestead in Hawai'i