Hello and welcome to R.E. Entertainment. My name is Shaun E. president and founder of this lable that has been in the making since March of 2000. I was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio 26 years of age. I have been into music as far back as I can remember. I also hold the title of being my oun in-house producer, beat-maker and song writer.
Curenty we are in the studio recording our first mixtape album. This record features five of the hotest artist that i have work with on previous projects. We also have a myspace page that features six of the tracks that are going to be on this album. Track proformences by Loud Mouth(Charls of Trillionar Mafia), Contry(Mike), Mysterious(Deja), Beno and Gizzy. All production and music done by me myself, Shaun E.
Our goal is to give people a new wave of music to enjoy, relate and vibe to. We have come together to make new grounds in this music indistry. We work as a great team in the making of this mixtape album and hope to bring the best sound to a wide range base of people.
-Shaun E. -R.E. Entertainment