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The Majesty Reboot - Spoken Word

The Majesty Reboot - Spoken Word

Spoken Word, podcast and production. GLBTQ/ female focused.

1 top 50
1 songs
21 plays
Picture for song 'A Drama-Free Grocery Christmas' by artist 'The Majesty Reboot - Spoken Word'

A Drama-Free Grocery Christmas

I am a creative writer and artist. I manage blogs, and produce my own media. I enjoy it because it gives me an avenue to decompress and practice my skllz. :) My other projects are PDXMAJESTY and SHAKESPEARE'S CRUSH, which I've kept up since 2003, also found on soundclick and on the web. I've been an artist since high school and produced my own TV shows in Portland since 1993. I got my Radio Broadcast Associate's degree from Mt. Hood Community College in 2002. Now I'm mostly based on the internet. I play shows and open mics weekly. My irons are definitely in the fire.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Just open mics for my spoken word stuff
Your musical influences
Some of my podcasts, I envisioned myself as being similar to Daria O'Neil. One of our local DJ's and one of the first females in town to get an afternoon drive spot. Or her own show, for that matter. She does a grreat segment called the entertainment guide and has been doing them for years! They are phenomenal!
What equipment do you use?
Prod gear, a decent word processor, and the rusty noggin. :)
Anything else?
Thanks for being supportive, Soundclick! I 3 you!! I've learned a lot and I think this is just the tip of the iceberg.
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