Time is the effect of our ignorance. In the countryside, everyone is famous for fifteen miles. Optimism is the philosophy of despair. An artificial artichoke artisticly askew is sitting on a submarine surveying Sunday stew.
I was born beneath a wombelling star. My guitars used to be furniture which the everyday folk threw a way. I've been insane before. I'd recomend it to anyone. Don't believe what you hear. Or what you see for that matter. Schroedinger's cat ent getting no flatter. A ritter ratter ray. What am I trine to say?
The Acoustic Ballroom, Port Cullis Club Wallingford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom. Bohemian Night, Deja Vu, Saint Mary's Butts, Reading, Berkshire, UK. Elves Night, Turks, Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom. The Park, Cholsey, Outside Tesco's, Cholsey.
The The Clucking Clucking Trout Trout. Owain Pedgley. Early Pink Floyd. Mike Bat. Early Cure. Paula Curtis. Doctor Iver. Souixie And The Banshees.
Electric Guitar. Dynamic Microphone. Electric Keyboard. Personal Computer. Power Tracks Pro Audio 12. Tambourine. Marakas. Acoustic Drums.
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