How2BecomeAChristian (with a numeral 2) ministries is a Christian Apologetics Ministry primarily devoted to answering the question “How to become a Christian?" The ministry focuses on Christian essentials but also covers all non essential doctrines and issues concerning Christianity and religion in general. Including all non/Christian religions, aberrant Christian cults, the Occult, the New Age Movement and much more.
THIS PAGE is one of the distribution points for the Ministries RADIO PROGRAMS.
How2BecomeAChristian.Info RADIO and OccultAgendaExposure.Info RADIO.
Each Radio show has a supporting BLOG and INFORMATION site. Those sites are,,,,
- for the Cult Apologetics Ministry.
- for the Occult Agenda Exposure Ministry.
How2BecomeAChristian.Info RADIO begins to air at BlogTalkRADIO ON January 6 @ 7pm central. The OccultAgendaExposure.Info RADIO will begin in February.
The ministry has many more sites and ministry outlets. If you will give these links a visit I am sure you will find a considerable amount of VERY IMPORTANT information, and will find the rest of the Ministries sites. GODBLESS
The Truth might live a wretched life,
BUT it will always out live a lie
Thank You,
Damon Whitsell
I record some of my songs from time to time. They will be released here at this site.
**ALL MATERIAL** produced by How2BecomeAChristian (with a numeral 2) ministries IS LICENSED for your FREE USE under Commons Copyright Licensing.
How2BecomeAChristian (with a numeral 2) ministries is managed by Damon Whitsell - out of Houston Texas