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The Ruthless

The Ruthless
3 songs
65 plays
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win, lose, or draw blood

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a lesson in regret

a song about regret
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The Ruthless - Heavy metal from Jacksonville, Florida
Band/artist history
"The Ruthless" is an intense band with a sense of melody, and brutality. Their songs are packed full of driving rhythms, powerful choruses, and technical guitar playing. They are known for their amazing stage presence, which involves climbing fences, hanging from ceilings, head banging, stage diving, and crowd surfing. It's no wonder they've shared the stage with acts such as All Shall Perish, As Blood Runs Black, Destruction, Into Eternity, Vital Remains, and Dying Fetus. When they're done rocking, they still have time to kill a six foot beer bong or two! In June of 2006 "The Ruthless" was born. All five members of The Ruthless have similar backgrounds in music. They have mastered their instruments, and have a slick songwriting sensibility which blends it all together. Nick and Jason lay down a solid foundation of guitars with heavy riffing, and graceful leads, while Connor keeps the bass pounding, and Chris blasts through songs with machine-like precision. Rogers threatening vocals and deep lyrical content add the final touch giving the music its life! In March of 2007 they recorded a demo at Mana Recording Studios in St. Petersburg florida. Many bands have recorded there, including Canibal Corpse,The Absence, Hate Eternal, and Through the Eyes of the Dead. For them, it was a no brainer. They are currently booking shows, and writing new material in preparation for a full length. Combining influences of Thrash, Death Metal, Hardcore, and Speed Metal, "The Ruthless" is constantly progressing and striving to expand the boundaries of modern day Metal to new heights. With a Solid line-up and a concrete writing front, "The Ruthless" is stronger then ever before.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
we mostly play in florida and georgia, we love to play live, and do so pretty regularly in jacksonville, florida.
Your musical influences
very fast paced metal, with circle pits, crowd surfing, head banging, moshing, and pissed off people fighting.
What equipment do you use?
Nick - peavey xxx head, marshall jcm 2000 cabinet, schecter and esp guitars. Jason - peavey 5150 head, Crate cabinet, esp and fender guitars.
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