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Dj Boycott

Dj Boycott
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Picture for song 'Maximum Overdrive[2005 Remix]' by artist 'Dj Boycott'

Maximum Overdrive[2005 Remix]

[Dj Boycott vs. Alex M.O.R.P.H. vs. Benicio] This song is a REMIX of the Maximum Overdrive single version that originally came from Alex MORPH and was remixed by Benicio
Picture for song 'If only(Video Version Remix)' by artist 'Dj Boycott'

If only(Video Version Remix)

Here is the remix you all have been waiting for! IF ONLY REMIX, only this time digitally mastered and edited with better sound and more addictive trance beats! ENJOY
Picture for song 'Pump The Bass' by artist 'Dj Boycott'

Pump The Bass

Well, Dj Boycott has done it! Yup, he has done it again with a hit that makes all the other bass songs sound like a treble :) N - Joy
Picture for song 'Dx 281' by artist 'Dj Boycott'

Dx 281

Techno, Trance, Rave
Picture for song 'Beware of The Boycott(Original Version)' by artist 'Dj Boycott'

Beware of The Boycott(Original Version)

Picture for song 'GO 4 TLI' by artist 'Dj Boycott'


Well people looks like Dj Boycott did it once again. Go 4 TLI, a mix of Hard Trance and Techno. Enjoy and thanks for listening :)
Picture for song 'We will survive(Warp Brothers)' by artist 'Dj Boycott'

We will survive(Warp Brothers)

This is a remix of the original We will survive song from the Warp Brothers. Very nice! Enjoy
Picture for song 'Revolution(Dave Elyzium)' by artist 'Dj Boycott'

Revolution(Dave Elyzium)

This is a remix of Dave Elyzium's Revolution. Dave Elyzium in my opinion is one of the best hard trance artists i have ever listened too. Too bad that he is not very recognized. I made this remix for Dave Elyzium because i like his music.
Picture for song 'I still Dream' by artist 'Dj Boycott'

I still Dream

Ladies and gentlemen, Dj Boycott did it again. Another Trace hit! This song is based on a beautiful true life story. A fairy tail one would call it. Click on Song/Lyrics above to read more
Picture for song 'If Only' by artist 'Dj Boycott'

If Only

"If only you could see what i have seen in your eyes". I enjoy my time while i still can :) click on the "Lyrics/Story" just above the text to read more...
Picture for song 'Robotic Intro 2004' by artist 'Dj Boycott'

Robotic Intro 2004

This is just an intro to my 3rd CD that i have made, i like it very much. It starts out with Robotic Voices, but ends up with a chilly beat.
Picture for song 'Elephant in my Pajamas' by artist 'Dj Boycott'

Elephant in my Pajamas

"One morning, I shot an elephant in my pajamas! How he got in my pajamas, I dont know" I just decided to make a techno song just for the fun of it, like always. But this time i added a joke into it.
Picture for song 'Beware of the Boycott(2004 Vocal RMX)' by artist 'Dj Boycott'

Beware of the Boycott(2004 Vocal RMX)

This song is pretty much the same as the 2004 remix with a few ajustment. Like more epic sounds and bass.
Picture for song 'Awakening Intro' by artist 'Dj Boycott'

Awakening Intro

It a very cool ambient intro for the newest CD that I am working on. I love, because it is very scary and it will freak you out. Try listening to it with the lights turned off ;) Anyways, take it easy - Dj Boycott
Picture for song 'Rap Beat For H-Ammo-012' by artist 'Dj Boycott'

Rap Beat For H-Ammo-012

Ej Hamo care, eto ti beat. Nadam se da ce ti se sviditi. Reci mi ako valja da ti kopiram kvalitetniju verziju na CD.This is for H-Ammo ONLY, if you are not H-Ammo, dont even think to download or copy this beat! This is a battle song in my opinion!
Picture for song 'Rap Beat 4 H-Ammo-009' by artist 'Dj Boycott'

Rap Beat 4 H-Ammo-009

Hamo, ovo ti je nesto tuzno. Ako valja, reci mi da ti je kopiram na CD. THIS IS FOR H-AMMO ONLY!
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