Hello, my name is Melanie Eve. and I am so excited that you decided to listen to my music. I do hope you like and enjoy this music. May it be a blessing to you!
I have performed live in many different churches and concerts with chorus groups. I have also performed in talent shows. I have always loved to perform in front of an audience. I believe that any time I perform for the Lord is a special moment. But I would have to say that the special moments that I remember is singing with my cousins when I was younger.
I have many different people who have been music influences for me. One of the main influence was my grandmother and family. My mother and her sisters were also a singing group and were a great influence on me. I also have been influence by stars like: Pattie LaBelle, Trinity 3.5.7, Out of Eden, Yalonda Adams, Shirley Ceasar, and one of my favorite performers is LaShun Pace-Rhodes. There are so many more performers and artist that I love, too many to name them all.
I would just like to say thank you to you for coming to this site and listening to my music. This is just the beginning and the best is yet to come. I would love to hear your opinion, and creative critisims are welcome. Thank you again and I pray you are blessed.