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Dallas, TX  USA
September 12, 2003
4,151 plays
Dont For Get to Download and Vote Hot For Diamondz and Firedrill Our album was mostly recorded in Silas Beyond the Sky Studios. www.soundclick.com/youngsilas he is credited for alot of the engineering the final mix of Savage Texas. If Not For Silas, Massive, and Eraser the Album would be something completly different. I would also like to put out a special thank you to the Executive Producers of the album ACITY and K.T. You cats got mad talent. Savage Recordz 2005 The Most Talented Record Label In Texas. This is the one and only Savage Recordz the Registered Savage Recordz for the USA, In Texas, thats Dallas County check your Tax office. We the ones who Started this so its only right that we finish it.
Band/artist history
We then in turn flipped it to Savage Recordz and the rest is history we been in business since 2003 thats what the state of Texas will tell you but we been grinding since 1998. Started the business in 2000. Sold 4100 independent out the trunk keep up.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
All Over Texas, Got some things going down in D.C. soon and we got some contacts in California. Show us love when we hit your city Loisiana is next on the map too.
Your musical influences
Texas man we all original ball with us
What equipment do you use?
Mac G4, Korg Triton, MPC 2000xl, Cubase, Rokit 5, JBL, Dell p4, Nady, MXL, Blue, Maudio, Delta, Aurelex, Imation, AKG, Stanton, PreSonus, etc
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