Invisible Pilgrim (US)

One-man band, with stylings of Electronica, Psychedelica, TranceRock, and Soundscapes

1 top 50
79 songs
12.7K plays
Picture for song 'A Lost Chord, Part One' by artist 'Invisible Pilgrim (US)'

A Lost Chord, Part One

Dream Wave


Picture for song 'Maximum Synthesia ( For Dylan )' by artist 'Invisible Pilgrim (US)'

Maximum Synthesia ( For Dylan )

Trip Rock


Picture for song 'Tritube To The Filthy Trucker ( Radio edit )' by artist 'Invisible Pilgrim (US)'

Tritube To The Filthy Trucker ( Radio edit )



Picture for song 'A Proper Exersize' by artist 'Invisible Pilgrim (US)'

A Proper Exersize

DarkWave Rock

Psychedelic Rock

Picture for song 'Choir Boys' by artist 'Invisible Pilgrim (US)'

Choir Boys

Trance Rock

Psychedelic Rock

Genre: Experimental Electronica (Trance, Ambient,Psychedelica,) Hometown: St.Augustine, Florida A TranceRock & psychedelic blend of frightening soundscapes and soothing rythyms, with a dash of the extreme, for good measure. The Invisible Pilgrim was a conceived and created by M.R. McDermitt, after a tour of the Painted Desert, in eastern Oregon. Emulating tape loop pioneers Brian Eno, and Robert Fripp, this experiment has evolved into a massive collection of some of the most original, and psycho-reactive music to date. As electronic and experimental music expanded, the Invisible Pilgrim Project took on a more mainstream approach, and began The ShadowLand Factory, a small recording studio. The unique sounds and stylings are a result of over 30 years in music,with vintage tube and analog equipment, delivered into top-notch digital mastering gear...As the Project unfolds, be sure to check back often for new, and ever-more increasingly fascinating looks into the land beyond the shores of your own imagination. Invisible Pilgrim has been interviewed on 88.5, WFCF, Flagler College radio, and is on rotation on Bob Blazes' show " Vanishing Point " on Sunday evenings, @ 9:30 pm, and can be heard on iHeart radio.
Band/artist history
I've seen/heard many different styles, seen many bands, but I've stuck to my "guns", and traveled a path less-trodden....
Have you performed in front of an audience?
I only play live for special occasions.
Your musical influences
All music is a kind of power, so you have to be very careful what you create...
What equipment do you use?
KORG Poly 61-M, modified Peavey, Fender, Aria, Kramer, and Hamer guitars, Yamaha, Digitech, Boss, and a few other secret toys of my own design.
Anything else?
Headphones are recommended, for maximum synthesia.


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