Cambridge 2003
Andrea Gerak
Dec 29, 2012
Song: Espíritu de los bosques
Gracias Senor! Indeed spiritual.
And thanks Astronomusic for commenting on the vocals as well!
Nov 03, 2010
Magnifico tema toda una alegria volvera oirte en circulacion.
Cambridge 2003
Aug 30, 2009
Thank´s very much, Z & A. :)
Aug 29, 2009
Song: Face
Very beautiful instrumental!! Great use of synths!!
Very nice turns at 1m11s and 1m40s!!
Aug 29, 2009
Song: Montaña blanca
A fun technologic divertiment? More than this, Cambrige... do not be humble. It is a wonderful instrumental music!!!
Thank you for your art, ?ngel!!!
Aug 29, 2009
Song: Espíritu de los bosques
Great instrumental!!!
Really beautiful vocals after second minute!!!
A music about a important thematic of nowadays.
Michael Bennett
Nov 04, 2008
Wonderful soundscapes you have going on here!
Sep 24, 2008
Song: What has happened here?
Pues la verdad es que es un tema que bien podría haber salido de la banda sonora de " Donnie Brasco ", si señor...con ese aire macarra del que bien hablas. Dominas muy bien el arte de adaptar cualquier estilo para hacerlo tuyo propio. Mi enhorabuena por esta nueva genialidad amigo Camb,... y van 5 estrellitas!!!
Cambridge 2003
Sep 08, 2008
Gracias, Javier. ;)
Muito obrigado, Astronomusic. :)
what an amazing album of melodies. Got a kick of finding a reproduction of these amazing songs. Nice job, not easy to play.