The Bred Winnaz

Orlando, FL  USA
April 28, 2008
431 plays
The Bred Winnaz Consist of Faytal aka the Franchise, Shadow Da Unseen, Shot, Raymond Leon,Young June, Young Tut, Skyy and Boston. Reigning from The "O "or Orange County, Florida, they respresent the major hoods of Orlando. (Crime Hillz, Da 32805 which is from Beruit to Lakemann to, Orange Center. They are the elite of the City. Faytal and Shadow, Original Warhedz that hail from the Westside of I-4. The Bred Winnaz formed after the Warhed era started to decline in popularity. They have had music float all over the country from Phoenix, to Las Vegas to Atlanta to Metro D.C. to New York to New Jersey back down to FLA. And have opened up for Many Major Acts.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (
Your musical influences
Every last Warhed the ever lived. and All of the Hip Hop Greats and Pioneers.
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