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Dyke Arms

Dyke Arms
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Picture for song 'Ellen' by artist 'Dyke Arms'


This song's been in production for a while, I was just too lazt to finish it, so here it is kiddos!
Picture for song 'The Music Song' by artist 'Dyke Arms'

The Music Song

This is dedicated to all you kids out there who ever say "I'm punk", "I'm emo" or shit like that. It's a little fuzzy, but deal with it
Picture for song 'Let's f***' by artist 'Dyke Arms'

Let's f***

Soooo.......I.....missed the bus... thanks to you, yes I blame you for my mistakes, you stupid f***er. Another one first try or I'll miss the bus yet again, gotta run now...
Picture for song 'What's Love' by artist 'Dyke Arms'

What's Love

Haha first try, I was gonna re-record it but I'm gonna miss the bus soon for school. AHHHHHHHH
Picture for song 'Diet Fresca And Cigarettes' by artist 'Dyke Arms'

Diet Fresca And Cigarettes

Ahh f*** my mic is broken, it keeps recording into mostly one channel. Ahh well, another first try song f***ers.I forgot how I sang the outro the first time, so it turned out bad from what I wanted. I'll re-record it again later...
Picture for song 'Tony Robbins Is So Cool' by artist 'Dyke Arms'

Tony Robbins Is So Cool

You know, the motivational speaker guy who's so cool. Tony Robbins, Anthony Robbins, either way works. I recorded this second take,so it's amazing...haha........shoot me
Picture for song 'A Man Named Chester' by artist 'Dyke Arms'

A Man Named Chester

Don't go with strange people because they say they have puppies.. Aww and I wrote it the day AFTER I sampled some CD's out to people... Oh well, when I hit 16 songs, I'll get Dev to burn off a whole shitload of cds..
Picture for song 'Krunk As The Funk Of This Song' by artist 'Dyke Arms'

Krunk As The Funk Of This Song

I wrote it while I was drunk... And I recorded it first try... the picking part is really quiet...
Picture for song 'Jigga Figga The Second' by artist 'Dyke Arms'

Jigga Figga The Second

Updated this version too, to put it on a crappy ass CD. And no I'm not racist, so if you're black...please don't shoot me
Picture for song 'Get Your Kids To Kill Themselves' by artist 'Dyke Arms'

Get Your Kids To Kill Themselves

Haha, second try, biatches. This song makes Clapton look like a 4 year, armless kid with Down Syndrome....
Picture for song 'More Than Silverware.' by artist 'Dyke Arms'

More Than Silverware.

I have a wicked bad cold, it sucks, diarrhea is my number one concern at the moment.
Picture for song 'The Never Ending Sorrow Of Tomorrow' by artist 'Dyke Arms'

The Never Ending Sorrow Of Tomorrow

This song RULES!!!! Im gonna go slit my wrists now..
Picture for song 'What Happened To Democracy?' by artist 'Dyke Arms'

What Happened To Democracy?

So, what the hell happened to it? Trust me this song is HUGE politically, it'll make you wanna go punch your president in the groin.
Picture for song 'Heroin For The Prostitutes, Opium For The Infants' by artist 'Dyke Arms'

Heroin For The Prostitutes, Opium For The Infants

Me and dev made this song by writing random words and pulling them out of a hat.
Picture for song 'Progression Of An American Turtle' by artist 'Dyke Arms'

Progression Of An American Turtle

It's good, I'm proud of it.
Picture for song 'Donair' by artist 'Dyke Arms'


Whoo, I updated this with a new version, so I can put it on CD...
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