Perfect Second

Music streaming from the faucets of my mind.

2 top 1
14 top 50
23 songs
13.7K plays
Picture for song 'More Than Words' by artist 'Perfect Second'

More Than Words

Melancholy rock song.

Rock General

Picture for song 'Misery '11' by artist 'Perfect Second'

Misery '11

Remixed & remastered the original version, now with 100% more Metal Foundry! I feel I got this mix right and this is probably the song of which I'm most proud. Enjoy!

Progressive Metal

Picture for song 'Captive My Thoughts' by artist 'Perfect Second'

Captive My Thoughts

Dark, brooding, and sinister. Guitars are with LePou's LeGion amp sim. About the exact opposite mood of the last song...

Alternative Metal

Picture for song 'Eclipse '11' by artist 'Perfect Second'

Eclipse '11

Uplifting prog-pop song in G. Re-recorded one of my favorite compositions since the first did it no justice. Begging for vox, to be completed one day!

Progressive Rock

Picture for song 'This is Why We Can't Have Nice Things' by artist 'Perfect Second'

This is Why We Can't Have Nice Things

It's about time I wrote a more vigorous song.

Heavy Metal

You might know me from various forums, I post as DDTonFire. I also transcribed for the late
Band/artist history
One day, I bought a guitar.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Hope to do so!
Your musical influences
Dream Theater, Periphery, Anton Bruckner, Joe Satriani, Planet X, Genesis, Chimp Spanner,
What equipment do you use?
EBMM JP 7, Ibanez Rg350, Line 6, SM57's, Logic 8, Reason, Superior 2.0, a variety of free plugins
Anything else?
Hi mom!


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