Jennifer Marino
Independent Music Australia
Feb 29, 2008
G'Day from Down Under Jen and thanks for the kind words you sent to my page.
You certainly have a sentational talent and one I will be watching very closley.
You have a great future ahead of you in music if not already in your country Canada.
I for one would like to thank you for your performance on Soundclick and giving everyone who visits your page a huge thrill in listening to a huge talent.
Please keep in touch and I look forward to your success in the future.
Western Australia
Independent Music Australia
Feb 05, 2008
Jennifer Marino is a name to remember for the future.
This lady has so much talent and a very big big vocal range.
The most exciting performer I have had the pleasure to listen to on Soundclick without rival.
Gypsy Blues is the track of the year without any dougt.
Jennifer has what it takes to be a very big Blues Rock performer in the near future.
Strong and Powerful vocals with clarity and the abilitie to to be deeply involved in the song story giving a wonderful blues performance that I havnt heard here for a long long time.
Believe me this young lady is the next big performer on Soundclick if not already.
Well done to Jennifer and bring it on with more of that stunning Blues Rock.
I wish you every success in your future which I know will be huge.
Congradulations on a stunning performance.
Perth,Western Australia
Candice and Nadinne Fanspace
Jan 26, 2008
Hi Jen:)
thought we say g'day you have some steamin tunes here ..enjoyed our visit..:)
Nadinne and Candice
Ed Cox Songwriter
Nov 29, 2007
Hey Jennifer
Love your stuff... Gypsy Blues is the one that hooked me...
Aug 29, 2007
August 28/07
I just got news from John from Rochester New York and the place that I will be performing for the Live Benifit Concert will be November 11 2007 at The Main Street Armory in Rochester NY. Tickets will be on sale through ticket master some time next week. Please come out and support me. I can't wait to play my songs live. I will be performing my song "IN A BOX" playing piano and singing. It will be great. I am so looking forward to this. Thank you everyone for all your support. I will have FM radio play as well as tv coverage. So if you can get to Rochester New York support me & come to my show :)
Jenae Johnson
please feel free to listen to my song "IN A BOX" to get it to the top of the charts!!
Also search for me on riffstar and vote for my songs. bring me to the top there for the contests. come support me.
evan paul
Aug 10, 2007
Hey girl? How you doing, long time no see. Hope you're having a great summer, mostly work on an addition at the cottage for me so I'm out of town a lot. Listening to some of the songs here still sound fresh and great. Say hi to your mom, talk later.
Aug 08, 2007
Jennifer.....You really have a great bluesy voice....You rock...even with country ....Greg
Jul 24, 2007
Hey Jennifer,
Hows things going? Sorry its been a while. Been kinda crazy in my life lately. Keep in touch and let me know how everything is going!
Mar 10, 2007
hello! just stopped by to give a listen. ur music is great!!! enjoyed it.
May 23, 2006
"Gypsy Blues" is HOT! Great song! I gave it a "hot" vote. You have a great voice!
Please feel free to check out my music. My new song "Jump" is great. Please let me know what you think about it and drop me a message on my board! Thanks!
Mark Paul
john williams 68
Apr 16, 2006
Hello Jennifer,
I have good news, I've make a link from your soundclick in my space. So everybody here can listen to your music.
You can find it in my space "Artist with music from USA":
Big hugs and God bless you,
Mar 28, 2006
Nice job on "Why Me". I hope you go far and wish you the best. You have a great voice. Congrats on the "Daisy" guitar endorsement.
I have song called "Ironside" and "Everyday Heroes" Come by. I would love your input. Thanks and keep rockin.
Aug 11, 2005
Listening to what are you gonna do.....wowwwwww what a voice, nice,band is awesome too, well done, ya'll will be at the top real soon if you keep up this stuff!
David William Bethune
May 09, 2005
Hey Jen,
If your ever down St. Catharines way on a gig give me a holler.
Keep RocKiN
Apr 12, 2005
Hey Jen Great tunes we love country too. After all it's just a step away from what we do. Or as we like to say outlaw country. Thanks for your post. Keep the Faith.
Skyn and Bones Band
Trent, Nick & Joe
GuitarGirl Lynn
Mar 23, 2005
Ahhh, how nice to get a message from the lovely Marino's on my board today! Thanks for coming by and telling me about the song. I love BLUES, I've ALWAYS loved Jenn's voice, so how in the world could I NOT love this tune! Sounds great and I agree with The Tailgaters comment about her sounding beyond her "tender" years - no question. This is a great tune to showcase the big, broad, throaty vocal tonality that she has. She could easily pull off an entire record of Blues oriented material if she wanted to.
It's funny, but I was talking to the marketing guy for Daisy Rock Guitars today and I brought up Jenn's name because I remembered she was endorsed by the company. I was telling him that I've known her (via the Internet) since she was 14 or so, from the OLD days. Then, not 5 minutes later, I went to check my Soundclick board and there was your message on my board! Gotta love the synergy of THAT!!! :-)
Back to the tune, it's hard to find fault with it. The only t
Mar 20, 2005
Hey Jennifer, you got it goin' on there girl! I like everything!! Keep it country!! Is that enough exclamations!!
a fellow Canuck,
Mar 16, 2005
Ohhhh Ma'am!
Soundin' waaaaay beyond yall's tender years on "Gypsy Blues"!! Yikes! That some sexxxy blues, Miz Jenn! And yall's band is screemin'!!! Rockit Folks!!
Mar 12, 2005
Hi Jen,
Listen to Why Me, great song,
Realy kool, WIll check back for more!!!!!
I added you to my radio Fav,
Gypsy Blues by Jennifer Marino is full blooded in your face vocals with great varity and strenth. Jennifer has performed this great track with everything she has to give and its paid off in producing a fantastic Blues Rock track that is equal to what I have had the pleasure to listen to over many years. I must pay tribute to a well performed backing production and song writer that allowed Jennifer to give this track everything she can muster. The lyrics are sentational and just fantastic to to be hearing every word clearly and with such power. Jennifer not only sings this track but acts the part with great talent. Blues is a very hard genre to master and I can assure you that Jennifer Marino has mastered the blues with great skill. If im right ,im sure the name Jennifer Marino will be huge not only in Canada ,Jens home ,but the World in the not to distant future. If anyone has any musical knowlege ,they will understand after listening to Jen ,that she has everything going