Jennifer Marino
Jennifer Marino -20 yr old Canadian southernrock artist.

Gypsy Blues
Demo Recording - Featuring The Jenn Marino Band - read "story" for more info

Why Me ?
Demo version of Jenn's first song to be released as a single to radio across Canada in Jan.2004
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Jenn Marino - 20 yr old Southernrock/Countryrock artist - singer songwriter.
2007 London Music Award Winner.
Endorsee of Daisy Rock Guitars / Los Angeles California - their first Canadian country artist endorsee.
Currently writing and recording first full cd - all original material.
All songs here are working demos - copyright - for listening only.
Band Members : Jenn Marino - lead vocals / guitar
Randy Cassidy - bass / vocals
Shem Cuprjak - lead guitar
Steve Ormerod - drums
Band/artist history
Jennifer has been performing since the age of 9 at local festivals and fairs - singing and also acting in local theatre.
With her own band formed in 2002 - Jenn and the guys have been leaving quite an impression everywhere they play with a mix of originals ,southernrock & countryrock.
Jenn had the honor of being the opening act for the Saturday show of the 1st London Country Music Jam 2002. The only unsigned artist to perform that day - to share the stage with Beverely Mahood , Jamie Warren, Lisa Brokop , Julian Austin and Adam Gregory was quite a thrill - not to mention performing to thousands of country fans in her own hometown.
Jenn has been a final nominee for the London Music Awards every year from 2004 to the current 2008 list. She has also been chosen a final nominee for the past two years for the Jack Richardson Music Awards.
The focus for 2008 - completion of their cd - writing and showcasing their original material.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Yes - all over southwestern Ontario. Love being out there performing live with my band !!!
Your musical influences
The list of influences is a mile long covering every music genre out there - Lynyrd Skynrd , Govt. Mule , Shooter Jennings , Aerosmith , Janis Joplin , The Doors , David Bowie , Sass Jordan , Melissa Ethridge and on and on - blues , jazz , rock , and broadway - they all have an influence on Jenns music and writing.
Anything else?
Hope you enjoy Jenns songs - pay a visit to her website - check out whats happening for Jenn and her band - lots of pics etc - leave a note - would love to hear what you think :)
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Comments (122)
Gypsy Blues by Jennifer Marino is full blooded in your face vocals with great varity and strenth.
Jennifer has performed this great track with everything she has to give and its paid off in producing a fantastic Blues Rock track that is equal to what I have had the pleasure to listen to over many years.
I must pay tribute to a well performed backing production and song writer that allowed Jennifer to give this track everything she can muster.
The lyrics are sentational and just fantastic to to be hearing every word clearly and with such power.
Jennifer not only sings this track but acts the part with great talent.
Blues is a very hard genre to master and I can assure you that Jennifer Marino has mastered the blues with great skill.
If im right ,im sure the name Jennifer Marino will be huge not only in Canada ,Jens home ,but the World in the not to distant future.
If anyone has any musical knowlege ,they will understand after listening to Jen ,that she has everything going
G'Day from Down Under Jen and thanks for the kind words you sent to my page.
You certainly have a sentational talent and one I will be watching very closley.
You have a great future ahead of you in music if not already in your country Canada.
I for one would like to thank you for your performance on Soundclick and giving everyone who visits your page a huge thrill in listening to a huge talent.
Please keep in touch and I look forward to your success in the future.
Western Australia
Jennifer Marino is a name to remember for the future.
This lady has so much talent and a very big big vocal range.
The most exciting performer I have had the pleasure to listen to on Soundclick without rival.
Gypsy Blues is the track of the year without any dougt.
Jennifer has what it takes to be a very big Blues Rock performer in the near future.
Strong and Powerful vocals with clarity and the abilitie to to be deeply involved in the song story giving a wonderful blues performance that I havnt heard here for a long long time.
Believe me this young lady is the next big performer on Soundclick if not already.
Well done to Jennifer and bring it on with more of that stunning Blues Rock.
I wish you every success in your future which I know will be huge.
Congradulations on a stunning performance.
Perth,Western Australia
Hi Jen:)
thought we say g'day you have some steamin tunes here ..enjoyed our visit..:)
Nadinne and Candice
Hey Jennifer
Love your stuff... Gypsy Blues is the one that hooked me...
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