
19 top 50
88 songs
35.9K plays
Picture for song 'Chemtrails' by artist 'Effekto'


chemtrails everywhere, to get us poisoned would have been quicker and cheeper as thousends of flights every day for years. It is to big, there must be more behind.

#21 in World Fusion

Picture for song 'Das Laecheln' by artist 'Effekto'

Das Laecheln

Dieses Lied ist prophetisch und unserer Zeit etwas voraus. This song is prophetic and ahead of our time.

World Fusion

Picture for song 'Am Arsch vorbei' by artist 'Effekto'

Am Arsch vorbei

Dont do what they want,do what you want. Be strong and proud.

#34 in Garage Rock

Picture for song 'Montesiepi' by artist 'Effekto'


Das Sammeln des Unkrauts. (*) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parable_of_the_Tares.

World Fusion

Picture for song 'Gerechtigkeit marschiert' by artist 'Effekto'

Gerechtigkeit marschiert

"Justice is marching on"...The song picture shows the blood red storm banner of the old germans when they were going into a battle.

Rock No samples

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