Old school new school...love the jam. Self produced singer songwriter/musician.
I've sung traditional jazz and blues but love the twist of making it your own sound. I've had the good fortune of being on New England Radio, have fronted the J.Geils Band, and have worked with national artists who've come home from world tours and now are just looking for artistic expression. I've been sigend to small independent labels, and have written for film and t.v. Now I just wanna sing.
Love to play live. Gig from East Caost to Midwest. I'm a Chicago girl.
I'm old school new school R&B. Influenced by Etta James, Beyonce, Sade, Billy Holiday, Christina Aguillera, and Ella Fitzgerald, but I'm Aztec Indian, and have the latin blood.
Record on Mac G4 Protools. Guitar, Bass, Yamaha Digital Drum Kit, P.O.D. for guitar effects, Alesis Keyboard for layering and occasional loops, vocal mic: sure sm 58, and beyer dynamic.
It's ok to rock to swing, to do your thing. don't bash other styles. it's whatever blows your dress up. I can sing and play jazz, blues, rock, funk, pop, and country....if it's sincere....and you like it...that's all that matters.