Songwriter from Sweden, exploring country, blues, pop and rock.

1 songs
12 plays
Picture for song 'Figure Gus wants my rigg' by artist 'PQ (SE)'

Figure Gus wants my rigg

A raw funny little improvisation that may result in a song one day.

Acoustic General

Its not a real band. I decided last year as I entered FAWM to use PQ as an identity to show new ideas as a songwriter. I do this based on time and interest, it seems to flucutate quite a bit over time, from very intense to not at all. The lyrics and harmonies and the rythmics are created at the same instant, the songs are most often created in a direct flow, afterwards only slightly restructured and fulfilled with more verses etc. The lyrics are kept simple to make it easy to remeber, focused on the main concept and theme rather than story telling, that makes it more pop/rock than singersongwriter oriented. The acoustic and simple demo production is raw as there exist no posibilities to produce and make anything more complex.
Band/artist history
I am just alone writing songs really, play the guitar and sing. I may be able to drag some musicians into the ongoing project. I did play and jamm with a very talanted jazz drummer on ocasions during 2007. We also performed three times together. I did learn to sing and play when I had passed twenty. Started to make songs at the age of 25. Had played a little guitar before that as well. Though, I guess I was often wistlening new melodies before that.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
I started to perform live during 2005 at various singer/songwriter stages. I had no background in that field and entered it with open eyes. I soon realiced that there was no-one really focusing on exploring the independent music in the form of singer/songwriters. I thaught that it would be possible to create new stages to spread the music in outside the indie world. It was kind of successful during 2006, ca 100 concerts were made. The idea was that it should always be some payment from the visitors (or the service provider). This is important as it creates a focus on the performance and fulfilling a task that is needed. Thus, giving it a true meaning rather than the internal rivalty as I had recognized on the common indie stage. The organization is still going run as a network, the set up is that we facilitate a serie of live shows with two/three projects/bands per occasion. More information can be found here http://musikantersyd.tripod.com 2006 was very busy, 2007 we run only 2 series of a total of 21 concerts. 2008 the first serie will be run at St HansgÃrden in Lund. Starting 2 Febryary. I have some special moments, my first concert 30 min (my third appearance to early), the first time I managed to convince the crowd, the first time I managed to convice at an open stage (very hard), first time we could convice with my self and the Jazz drummer Conny.
Your musical influences
Everything in pop and classical music, life it self and what happens close and far away, in books, films, radio, TV in discussion and meetings with people, being a songwriter I have to tell its a myth that a certain style, genre or artist would be the main influence, its all about creating what I feel is important at the moment. But if asked I would say that Beatles affects me to a high extent and Abba hardly at all, ols jazz and blues takes a grip of my heart, would I try to make anything similar to that? Well, thats very hard to say. I like strong voices such as Sara Brendle, I like the way Britney Spear sings, can I do any of that? Of course not ...
What equipment do you use?
Acoustic guitar, steel and nylon, possibly a bass as I have one, a Zoom H4 for recording, Tracktion for editing.
Anything else?
Let us all start save the world! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5KNnsoKxtc